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HIV in the aging population

Overview: Briefly identify and provide an overview for the existing treatments, protocols, and/or screening efforts.
Treatments, Protocols, Screening Efforts: Describe the treatments, protocols, and screening efforts that are in place now to combat this disease or
illness. For example, vaccines are used in an effort to combat influenza among the older adult population. Describe.
Implications: What are the implications of the existing treatments, protocols, and/or screening efforts for dealing with this age-related issue? These
could be treatment-related, screening specific, or related to the complicated nature of treating this condition within an aging body. Think in terms of
both benefits and challenges (e.g., needs or weaknesses of the protocol as it currently exists).
Reliability: Are these treatments, protocols, or screening efforts foolproof? Why or why not?
Cite from the resources you have found to support your answers as necessary.


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