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HLTENN001 Practise nursing within the Australian health care system Case Study

Student Name Student Number
Unit Code/s & Name/s HLTENN001 Practise nursing within the Australian health care system
Assessment Type ☐ Case Study ☐ Assignment ☐ Project ☒ Short answer questions

Assessment Name AT1 Assessment Task No. 1
Assessment Due Date Date submitted
Assessor Name
Student Declaration: I declare that this assessment is my own work. Any ideas and comments made by other people have been acknowledged as references. I understand that if this statement is found to be false, it will be regarded as misconduct and will be subject to disciplinary action as outlined in the TAFE Queensland Student Rules. I understand that by emailing or submitting this assessment electronically, I agree to this Declaration in lieu of a written signature.
Student Signature Date
PRIVACY DISCLAIMER: TAFE Queensland is collecting your personal information for assessment purposes. The information will only be accessed by authorised employees of TAFE Queensland. Some of this information may be given to the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or its successor and/or TAFE Queensland for audit and/or reporting purposes. Your information will not be given to any other person or agency unless you have given us written permission or we are required by law.

Instructions to Student

General Instructions:
The aim of this assessment is to demonstrate knowledge required to practise as a nursing professional within the Australian health care system, providing health care across the lifespan of people in a range of health and community care services or environments.
Full sentences, appropriate paragraphs, correct spelling and grammar should be used. All questions must be answered.

Word count as per question

The written assessment must be referenced using APA6 or 7 referencing format.

Information / Materials provided:
Use information on your chosen topic taken from the unit information on Connect, supported with your own research.

Assessment Criteria:
To achieve a satisfactory result, your assessor will be looking for your ability to demonstrate the following key skills/tasks/knowledge to an acceptable industry standard:

Detailed information is included in the marking criteria. Ensure that you review the marking criteria carefully prior to submitting your assessment to ensure that all the criteria are met.

Number of Attempts:
You are required to satisfactorily complete all assessments listed in the table below to be receive a ‘Competency Achieved’ result for the Unit(s) of Competency. You are responsible for complying with TAFE Queensland’s assessment rules and complete assessment tasks honestly. You need to follow all assessment instructions, including submission details and retain a copy of all assessment items. You must submit assessment on or by the due date, unless an extension has been granted. Failure to submit or complete assessment on or by the due date will result in a “did not submit/sit” (DNS) being recorded (unless there are exceptional circumstances) and you will have five (5) days to submit your second and final attempt. Refer to the TAFE Queensland Student Rules for details.

Submission details Insert your details on page 1 and sign the Student Declaration. Include this template with your submission.

Assessment to be submitted via
• TAFE Queensland Learning Management System: Connect url:
• Username; 10-digit student number
• For Password: Reset password go to>

Instructions for the Assessor All aspects of the marking criteria must be met in order to achieve a satisfactory result for this assessment.
Assessors must satisfy the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015/AQTF mandatory competency requirements for assessors.

In addition, assessors must hold current registration as a registered nurse with Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia.

Note to Student An overview of all Assessment Tasks relevant to this unit is located in the Unit Study Guide.

1. Choose one of the theories listed below and explain how it would apply to nursing care and nursing practice (maximum 100 words)

• Peplau’s theory
• Systems theory
• Basic human needs theory
• Developmental theory
• Psychosocial theory
2. The Australian health care system has evolved over time. (maximum 100 words)

a. Describe the historical origins of the Australian healthcare system and explain how it has evolved into the current healthcare system we have in Australia today.

b. Identify and discuss at least two strengths and two weakness relating to the overall structure of the current Australian Healthcare system.

3. Many countries suffer health inequalities, including Australia. In Western societies, social issues continue to emerge as the gap between those with and those without economic resources grows. (maximum 120 words)

a. In what ways, do you think an individual’s financial status affects their ability to access health resources?

b. Outline the social determinants that you consider disadvantage people and create health inequalities.

c. Explain the healthcare issues and it’s the impacts for healthcare deliver for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

d. Identify one health issue facing people from a non-western country and discuss the factors that may impact on this health issue (consider culture, environment, resources etc.).

4. Part of your education includes experiences in different types of healthcare settings. (maximum 150 words)

a. How would the role of the Enrolled nurse in the primary care setting be different from their role in the acute care setting? Within your answer discuss the members of the health care team who the Enrolled nurse would most likely be working alongside

b. Discuss the principles and philosophical framework of primary health care. Within your answer explain how the principles of wellness can be incorporated into the nurses care

5. Discuss the following features and roles of the Australian health care system: within your answers cover political and economical impacts on health care delivery (maximum 200 words)

a. State vs Federal health care funding

b. Provide a brief explaination of how you would explain Medicare vs Private Health Insurance to a family member

c. Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme

6. Explain the roles of the following nursing bodies using your own words: (maximum 100 words)

a. Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia

b. Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation

7. Select one current health issue in Australia from the National Health Priority Areas as outlined in the following weblink
(maximum 100 words)

• Discuss initiatives that are already in place to address this issue.
• In your answer identify an appropriate support service in Australia which is available to support people with this health issue.

8. Identify one non-western approach to healthcare
Explain how this could be incorporated into the care provided for people within the Australian healthcare system. (maximum 80 words)

9. Locate the “DMF A4 nursing summary guide – 2010 – rebranded” document from
to assist you to identify the issues outlined in the following case study:

This evening when you report for your shift on to your general medical ward, the charge nurse tells you that you need to assist on the orthopaedic ward. You have not had any recent experience with orthopaedic patients. When you arrive on the orthopaedic ward, the charge nurse allocates you patients who require special techniques for getting out of bed and who need to do exercises using specialised equipment during the shift. You are not familiar with the techniques or the equipment. The charge nurse tells you that the patients can explain it to you. (maximum 150 words)

a. Should you accept this assignment and rely on the patients to explain the techniques and equipment to you? provide 2 rationales for your answer

b. What aspects of the Standard for Practice: Enrolled Nurses (2016) need to be considered in this situation? Please access this document to assist with your answer

c. What action(s) would you take? – provide at least 2 actions

10. Identify one current health promotion strategy in Australia. (Possible examples include: smoking cessation, reduction of binge drinking, skin cancer awareness.)
(maximum 100 words)

a. Evaluate the effectiveness of this health promotion strategy (i.e. what is good/bad about it/does it work)

b. Identify any risk factors associated with the health issue targeted by the health promotion strategy and explain which health professional may be able to assist with that health issue and why.

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