How can a “researcher acting as an instrument” in a qualitative study best ensure the trustworthiness of the data analysis and the conclusions?
1. How can a “researcher acting as an instrument” in a qualitative study best ensure the trustworthiness of the data analysis and the conclusions?
2. The study of how ideas developed over time is a type of conceptual or psychological historical research. Identify a key concept in your own discipline and describe in detail the types of primary sources you could use to understand its history, explaining what each source might add to the study.
3. A medical researcher is concerned about mistakenly concluding that a new medication is effective when it really is not. What type of error is the researcher concerned about making (Type I or Type II)? Describe what the researcher might do to decrease the likelihood of making that type of error. Discuss ramifications of your suggested approach for other types of error in the study.
4. Throughout your textbook the authors return to the importance of interpreting the findings of a research project. Explain why this is an essential element in a high-quality research report.
5. What impact might research methods have on the future of the field of psychology?
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