How Can Educational System Be Strong In Pakistan
- Education
Education is the process of learning, or the gain of knowledge, values, skills, beliefs, and habits. Education can take place in academic or informal settings and any experience that has a sensitive effect on the way one determines, feels, or performs may be considered educational. A right to education has been recognized by some governments and the United Nations.
- Educational System in Pakistan
Federal Ministry of Education and the provincial governments oversee the educational system in Pakistan, whereas the federal government mostly support in the curriculum advancements, permissions and in the financing of research and development. Article 25-A of the Constitution of Pakistan states the nation to provide free and quality education to the children of age group of 5 to 16 years old.
Pakistani educational system is suffering from several complications and this is why we are providing you with the information for making the educational system string for the bright future of Pakistani students. In the Pakistani educational system, assignments, thesis and other academic works are of high importance. This is why thesis writing service in Pakistan is valuable and helpful for the students who try to attempt these topics in the academics.
- Set A Proper Place For Schooling System
It is a necessary thing that our government should have to set proper places where the school can build and a proper educational system can be established. As these days everyone knows that in rural areas there are 2 teachers under a tree giving education to a group of children. So, this is the duty of the Federal Ministry to provide those students with a proper setup to get the education and make their future bright and successful.
- Information About The Student If Not In School
This is a basic task which has to be performed by the school faculty. If any student is not present in school then the principal should contact the parents and take the information about the student. They should know why the student is not present and try to promote the value of better education to the students as well as the parents.
- Focus on Lectures
Teachers should have to educate the students in such a way that will inspire them to concentrate and learn quickly. Most of the subjects found boring for the students but if a teacher wants, he/she will be showing creativity in the topic by which every student will focus on the lectures and for sure understand that.
- Educate Girls
The concept of our ancestors, which is followed by the families, belongs to rural places that what a girl will do after being educated. This is our duty to start campaigns and aware those families that in this era girls are more educated, strong and successful as compared to the boys. By the help of these campaigns, the villagers get to know the fact that the work of household is getting modernized and girls are getting success through these works too.
- No Corruption
The main negative point about the educational system of Pakistan is corruption. When Board examination of SSC and HSC has been conducted. Just because the members of the government are assigned for the invigilation and checking purpose many of the higher grade officers take more 50,000 PKR for one examination sheet and because of this corruption the genius students score low marks as compared to the duffers and failures. We have to justify this problem and make improvement by doing fair work.
- Transporting For Teachers and Students
As this is the responsibility of the school to provide proper and safe transporting to the teachers and students. Make this rule necessary that no student will go home alone until parents or any guardian come to pick otherwise go by van. Every school should assign a person who will manage the transport department by checking the vehicles and make everything safe for the students and teachers. Also, make sure every student is going by a van whose parents are not available. Van drivers should be having an identity card issued by the school. Parents must be having the contact number of the transport manager and van driver.
- Stop Violence
As we all know that, the schools that are situated in small and local areas, there the teachers create violence by giving crazy punishments to the students. Also beat those students so hard and treat them like their slaves and the most negative point is that principles also treating them like this. Parents are not taking any action to stop this violence and students are days by day getting severe wounds and they literally do not want to study in this kind of environment. This is called mental torture which can destroy the future of the students.
- Provide Co-curricular Activities
Schools should have to provide different co-curricular activities for the student’s relaxations during studies. Schools should arrange the sports week, cricket tournament, or football matches or other different sports. These can be said the basic need of the students whether they are schools students or universities, to get relaxed is a basic need to fresh mind. These activities will also help students for being fit and mental exercise to release the stress and burden. This will help students in better learning.
The above-explained solutions will help in making the educational system strong in Pakistan. Our government has to build proper buildings for the institutions, the information for students non-presence is very important for the schools and parents. Students will focus when some creativity would be provided to them, girls of rural areas should be getting the education and we all have to say no to corruption for better result of students. For the security purposes make sure that every student and teacher use school transport which should be safe for them. Teachers should treat every student very politely and in a humble manner and schools should provide the sports facilities to the students for being relaxed.
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