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The purpose of this Learning Team project is for you to demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the impact of health care systems on an organization’s capacity to deliver quality care. Each Learning Team should choose one significant trend and obtain faculty approval in Week Two.

Write a 300-word paper that examines a subject in the evolution of health care sectors, areas, or characteristics you think have changed the delivery of health care.

Include the following:

  • Identify the subject selected by the team and discuss how it has changed the delivery of health care.
    • How has this change had an impact on the quality of care?
    • Did societal beliefs and values influence this change? Why or why not?
    • How did this change affect the views of the team in regards to the delivery of health care?(My Part)

Create a timeline that identifies when your chosen subject affected the health care industry. Include identification of any other events or effects that were direct results of this time in health care evolution.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

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