How does Rama’s dharma, as expressed in the Ramayana, differ from Yuddhistira’s dharma, as expressed in the Mahabharata? For EACH character (Rama and Yuddhistira), describe ONE example that illustrates his dharma AND indicate the significance of the KARMA related to the events you describe. In other words, what is the significance of the examples you describe in terms of each epic? For EACH character (Rama and Yuddhistira), describe ONE example that illustrates his dharma AND indicate the significance of the KARMA related to the events you describe. In other words, what is the significance of the examples you describe in terms of each epic?
How does Rama’s dharma, as expressed in the Ramayana, differ from Yuddhistira’s dharma, as expressed in
the Mahabharata? For EACH character (Rama and Yuddhistira), describe ONE example that illustrates his dharma AND indicate the significance of the KARMA related to the events you describe. In other words, what is the significance of the examples you describe in terms of each epic?
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