how is common law in the united states so unique
Question how is common law in the united states so unique ?
elements of Robbery and Burglary and how they differ.
Should be approximately two-pages in lengthDouble SpAcademicheroes APA FormatCited ReferencesPresent a factual basis for the viewpoint taken
some of the principle investigative steps in determining whether a vehicle fire is an accident or arson.
Should be approximately two-pages in lengthDouble SpAcademicheroes APA FormatCited ReferencesPresent a factual basis for the viewpoint taken
Assault, Battery, and Crimes against Persons
Assignment 3: Assault, Battery, and Crimes against PersonsDue Week 10 and worth 190 pointsReview the following scenario in order to complete this assignment:(A) is walking to towards her car in the shopping mall parking lot when a man suddenly jumps in front of her, points a knife in her face, and demands her purse. The attacker strikes (A) and rips the handle of her purse. Fortunately, (A) took self-defense class and hits the attacker with her knee and fists, keeps her purse, and runs to safety.Use the Internet or Strayer databases to research assault, battery, and crimes against persons.Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:Consider the following change to the scenario. (A) is forced at knifepoint into her car and made to drive the suspect away from the mall, where they encounter a police roadblock. (A) is not allowed to leave the car, despite the police negotiator’s demand that she be allowed to exit the car.Consider the following change to the scenario. (A) and the attacker are romantically linked and are having an argument in the shopping mall parking lot. (A) pulls a knife from her purse and swings it at the attacker.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Create a question from the attached file. One that would engage my
Create a question from the attached file. One that would engage my classmates.
Review your response in the Week 1 Personal Crime Occurrence Evaluation assignment.
Review your response in the Week 1 Personal Crime Occurrence Evaluation assignment. Based on what you learned in this course:List the crime theory or theories you think best explain the occurrence of crime. Write a 350- to 700-word summary.Provide theoretical support where needed, to include recommendations on crime control and crime reduction policies you would implement based on your crime occurrence explanation.Provide APA citations and reference page consistent with APA guidelines.
the word and questions in the photo just need example and short
the word and questions in the photo just need example and short answer from Business Law text and cases
Page Questions and 3 Discussion questions
Does this case illustrate the legal concept of criminal intent, vicarious liability, or both?Read U.S. v. L.E. Meyers Co., 562 F.3d 845 (2009). T
“Sanctuary cities” have become the topic of heavy media and political discussion.
“Sanctuary cities” have become the topic of heavy media and political discussion. A sanctuary city is a city within the United States whose local government intentionally limits or restricts cooperation with immigration enforcement agents in order to protect undocumented or “illegal” immigrants from deportation. This is controversial for many reasons.On the one hand, undocumented immigrants are violating the law, and the law must be enforced. Some, including President Donald Trump, have also argued that those undocumented immigrants are taking the jobs of legal U.S. citizens, or even committing additional crimes (including violent crimes) against law-abiding U.S. citizens.On the other hand, as a matter of public policy, we want people living in the U.S. to help their fellow citizens and talk to the police when appropriate. If undocumented immigrants know they will be deported when they talk to police, they may decide not to report a crime. Undocumented immigrants may also choose not to help a citizen in need out of fear of deportation. Thus, sanctuary cities are those cities who believe the latter argument.It is imperative for criminal justice professionals to consider sanctuary cities and how the criminal justice system will operate in those cities. The challenges that criminal justice professionals in sanctuary cities face are very different than in non-sanctuary cities. There are also financial, logistical, and social implications of sanctuary city status that could impact criminal justice enforcement, legal prosecution, and the immigration and customs process.Post two challenges that criminal justice professionals could face in a sanctuary city. Then, discuss how they might overcome these challenges. Include references to a city or state of your choice.
Several states have legalized marijuana for recreational use.your thoughts on legalized marijuana
Several states have legalized marijuana for recreational use.your thoughts on legalized marijuana for recreational use. Are you for or against it? Support your stance on why it should or should not be legalized.
Things are busy at Dewey, Earn and Howe. Willy Understand has a
Things are busy at Dewey, Earn and Howe. Willy Understand has a new research assignment and, as his mentor, he needs your help again. You explain to him that the doctrine of stare decisis (“it has been decided”) means that courts are obligated to rely upon precedent when deciding similar cases. Black’s Law Dictionary defines precedent as “a rule of law established for the first time by a court for a particular type of case and thereafter referred to in deciding similar cases” (Garner, 1999). This is an important element in the American judicial system because it helps establish consistency in court rulings and decisions. Consistency helps people know what to expect from the court in future cases. As an example for Willy, you are going to complete the following and provide your results to him as follows:Garner, B. (1999). Black’s law dictionary (7th ed.). St. Paul, Minn.: West Group. Assignment has two parts:In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:Part one is to only use the above link on the cases no outside sources. part 2 you need to research a subsequent case which means after the case from part 1 was decidedImclude summary and how the courts applied precedent. Cite exactly where in the case the court discisses application of the rule established by the court in the case from part 1
Willy Understand has come to rely on your learned guidance and expertise.
Willy Understand has come to rely on your learned guidance and expertise. In paralegal school he studied the three branches of the American federal government, along with the powers that have been delegated to each branch in the Constitution. He explored how the founders of the nation created a separation of powers so that each branch relies upon the other two branches. But he now needs a refresher before he tackles any constitutional law research for the firm.This Assignment has two parts: 1. What was the constitutional question in Youngstown Sheet and Tube Company v. Sawyer (1952)? 2. How did the Court rule? 3. How does this case illustrate the constitutional principles of separation of powers?
Republic Magazine states that “[t]here is nothing novel about the principle and
Republic Magazine states that “[t]here is nothing novel about the principle and practice of jury nullification, which dictates that citizen juries have the right and authority to rule both on the facts of a case, and the validity of a given law.” However, jury nullification remains a controversial topic in American jurisprudence.For this Assignment, download and read the “Jury_Nullification.pdf” file from Course Resources, Course Documents. Perform some additional research on the topic of jury nullification. Then, create a voice-over PowerPoint presentation between 7 to 8 slides that explains jury nullification and include examples of when it has been used. Present the arguments for and against jury nullification, and then present your conclusion as to whether juries should be instructed that nullification is appropriate in some cases. The presentation should be persuasive and include speaker notes and embedded audio recordings explaining the content presented on each slide.PowerPoint Format:
– Webb vs. City of Philadelphia
This project consists of a two page, 1.5 spAcademicheroes paper with 1-in margins, submitted through Canvas.Your analysis of the Webb v. City of Philadelphia case requires that you identify the facts, the legal issues facing the court, the various laws that guide the court, and the decision the court came to and why. Analyze how the court reached it’s decision referencing previous case law (precedent) on which the court relied. Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale used by the court. Finally set forth your reasons as to whether the court reached the correct decision. It does not need to be in essay format. It is helpful to use subheadings such as:FACTSISSUELAWSANALYSISPERSONAL THOUGHTS
Proactive Law Enforcement Issues and Best Practices
As the United States invests more resources into security and protection, all levels of law enforcement are affected. After each national crisis, regardless of whether it is natural or man-made, numerous researchers point to the mental health of all of those individuals involved. Police officers, by the very nature of their jobs, are some of the first to respond to disasters. It is no surprise that emergency responders become a major focus in the mental health field after such events.Based on your reading in the text and credible research from the Internet, respond to the following:Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Research for 2 journal articles regarding the Beltway Sniper case and write
Research for 2 journal articles regarding the Beltway Sniper case and write a 2-4 page paper:
Which of the following is not an accurate description of
Question Which of the following is not an accurate description of the concept of a fee tail?A fee tail facilitated the alienability of property.A fee tail could be created by a conveyance “to Charlotte and the heirs of her body.”A fee tail was designed to keep land within the same family for several generations.A life estate is the modern device most likely to replace the functioning of a fee tail.Luke Paulsen began his working career selling groceries, but he now sees an unprecedented business opportunity in sporting goods. He plans to operate Luke’s Sporting Goods, a store that sells a variety of equipment for a variety of sporting endeavors.Alley conveyed her property to Luke Paulsen so long as he uses the property for commercial purpose, like running a grocery store, and if he ceases to use the property for commercial purpose then to Tom. Luke Paulsen began his working career selling groceries on the property, but now sees an unprecedented business opportunity in Sporting goods. He plans to change the grocery store into Luke’s Sporting Goods, a store that sells a variety of equipment for a variety of sporting endeavors.Upon Luke’s plan on operating a sporting goods store, he will hold title asFee simple absoluteFee simple subject to a condition subsequentFee simple determinableThe fee simple is destroyed if he converts the grocery store to a sporting goods store.Joyce and Cathy were law school roommates in the 1970’s, and they have remained best friends. They are both 55 years old. Cathy has two sons, while Joyce does not have any children.Joyce owns a shifting executory interest in which of the following properties?A lake house that Cathy conveyed in 2000 “to Joyce until her sons graduate from college.”A ranch that Cathy conveyed in 2003 “to the Western Historical Society for the rest of my life, then to Joyce.”Ten acres of forested land that Cathy conveyed in 1994 “to the city so long as the land is open to the public for recreational purposes for the next 20 years, then to Joyce.”A vacant suburban lot that Cathy’s will devises “to the West Park Synagogue provided that it is used for religious purposes for the next 20 years, then to Joyce.”In February 2000, the Axle Motor Company conveyed its riverfront property “to Lucy Brewer for life, then to her eldest daughter.” At the time of the conveyance, Lucy has two daughters: Annie, age 16; and Tanya, age 12. Two years later, when she turned 18, Annie conveyed her interest in the land to the Prairie Land Trust. At the same time, Lucy leased the property “to Dean Walter for five years.” In January 2003, Lucy and Annie die in a car accident.Who is most likely to have the possessory interest in the land following the fatal accident?
What key words can I use when searching appropriate case
Question What key words can I use when searching appropriate case law for a bank going directly after a guarantor when the bank knows that the debtor is broke and the co-signer is insolvent?What steps do banks need to take before suing the guarantor for payment?
Barron v. Baltimore
Question Barron v. Baltimore
What are the legal interests and issues at play in
Question What are the legal interests and issues at play in the scenario below? (Canada)Where would one look and how would one identify which person’s legal interests take precedence? (Canada)What is the capacity of Canadian legislation to resolve this dispute?CASE A woman enlists the assistance of a male friend to donate sperm to fertilise her eggs and enable her to become pregnant. Some eggs are fertilised. After several attempts at implantation, the woman becomes pregnant and delivers a child. The biological father seeks access rights to the child, contested by the mother. The mother seeks financial support for the child, contested by the biological father. The biological father requests that the remaining “pre-embryos,” which are in cryogenic storage at a fertility clinic, be destroyed. The mother takes the position that the embryos belong to her to do what she wants.
CASE: Mr P has a piece of land in Borrowdale
Question CASE: Mr P has a piece of land in Borrowdale he wants to dispose off. He decides to appoint Mr A. to help him with the selling of the land after which Mr A. would be paid a commission of 10% of the selling price of $35 000.
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