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i am currently writing a I6 pagraph paper on Mark Rothko

i am currently writing a I6 pagraph paper on Mark Rothko please provide feedback and help with the last


Mark Rothko was an American painter of Russian Jewish descent. Rothko’s painting Utitled  Purple, White, and Red is a painting that is best described  as self-contained units of human expression  and also a dark stage of his life. His painting are unique in the sense that he didn’t follow current trends but followed his intuition, influences and used his art as a way of expression.

Rothko was a very talented artist who had an eye for raw emotions; he used different stages of his life to influence his art. At first site I couldn’t tell if the painting intentional or as a practice canvas. They didn’t look perfect or beautiful until learning the stages of his art and other artist like Nietzxhe’s who influenced his work.

I attended the institute of art where his famous painting was featured. His painting where made in a larger canvas and within the painting he texturized himself in the canvas. It was and art piece within an art piece, similar to a 3D. This is not easily viewed unless you are standing at a great distance from the painting.

           During Rothko end stages of life he became severely depressed, he began looking up to Nietzxhe and became obsessed with his work. The Painting Untitled Purple, White and Red The technique suited Rothko’s metaphysical aims: to offer painting as a doorway into purely spiritual realms, making it as immaterial and evocative as music, and to directly communicate the most essential, raw forms of human emotion.

           Rothko was diagnosed with aortic aneurysm and depended on drinking and stayed in a blazed status. He didn’t follow order from his doctor and spiraled out of control. During this time he continued to paint, this helped him reach the final tipping point of spiritual freedom. On February 25, 1970 his assistant found him dead, he had over dossed with anti-depressants.   ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentTilsa LagunasMark Rothko was an American painter of Russian Jewish descent.Rothko’s paintingUtitledPurple, White, and Redis a painting that is bestdescribedas self-contained units of human expressionand also a dark stage ofhis life. His painting areunique in the sense that he didn’t follow current trendsbut followed his intuition, influences and used his art as a way of expression.Rothko was a very talented artist who had an eye for raw emotions; heused different stages of his life to influence his art.At first site I couldn’t tell if thepainting intentional or as a practice canvas.They didn’t look perfect or beautifuluntil learning the stages of his art and other artist like Nietzxhe’s who influencedhis work.I attended the institute of art where his famous painting was featured.Hispainting where made in a larger canvas and within the painting he texturizedhimself in the canvas.It was and art piece within an art piece, similar to a 3D.This is not easily viewed unless you are standing at a great distance from thepainting.During Rothko end stages of life he became severely depressed, hebegan looking up to Nietzxhe and became obsessed with his work.The PaintingUntitled Purple, White and Red The technique suited Rothko’s metaphysicalaims: to offer painting as a doorway into purely spiritual realms, making it asimmaterial and evocative as music, and to directly communicate the most

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View the Answeressential, raw forms of human emotion. was diagnosed with aortic aneurysm and depended on drinkingand stayed in a blazed status.He didn’t follow order from his doctor and spiraledout of control.During this time he continued to paint, this helped him reach thefinal tipping point of spiritual freedom.On February 25, 1970 his assistant foundhim dead, he had over dossed with anti-depressants.

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