I need 5-6 slides regarding what motivated,
I need 5-6 slides regarding what motivated, or motivates the company Twitter. Everything needs to be original and
sources must be cited in APA format. Needs visual aids as well. If you don’t understand the assignment, please let me know.
PowerPoint advice. Every slide should have clear, readable text no smaller than 28 point font; remember to limit your use of full sentences. Each slide should also have some kind of visual to enhance the communication of that content. Using APA guidelines cite your sources, including in-text citations. The professional team product includes an introduction, multiple content slides, and a conclusion, as well as a reference slide. Better products usually have about 15 to 20 slides (four or five from each student). You may need more for more complex products. More detailed guidelines on presentation techniques is provided in a document “PowerPoint dos and don’ts” in Doc sharing.