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I need a Statement of Assumption for the attached file.

I need a Statement of Assumption for the attached file. Please understand what a Statement of Assumption is and

create one related to the project I have attached. I would like complete sentences and it should be totally related to the article. The course project as I understand it is about the company reducing carbon footprint and to analyze the current trucking fleet so please have it based on this message and the entire article. Its also about the shipping trucks having to take a side-route through rural farmlands in Indonesia.

Thank you so much ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentThe Final ProjectBackgroundYou have been called to meet with Roger Stevens, Regional Coordinator. He begins bythanking you for your work on the trucking problem of a few weeks ago. He reportseverything has gone very well but, “All of the publicity we received made us look at ourdelivery ±eet and corporate does not like what it sees. All of our vehicles are at least 5years old and they don’t project the right image for a cu²ng-edge technology company.We have a direc³ve to upgrade the en³re Indonesian ±eet. Normally this would behandled by the Logis³cs Department along with the folks from Purchasing, but I’m nothappy with their approach. Their preliminary proposal was based totally on cost anddeprecia³on projec³ons.”That seems like the standard approach, but you say nothing because you can tell Roger isexcited about something. “They aren’t seeing the big picture,” he says. “We want tomake a statement that our ±eet is “green”. We want to project an image of anenvironmentally conscious company that is willing to spend whatever it takes to havestate-of-the-art equipment.”You think about this and then comment, “So you want vehicles that get great mileageand have a smaller carbon footprint, is that the idea?”Roger both nods and then shakes his head. “Ge²ng the right vehicles is the ´rst step.I’ve read Cummins and Peterbilt have what they call a “Supertruck” that can reducegreenhouse gas emissions by almost 50%. You’ll want to look into that. But from whatI’ve been reading there are other technology op³ons that can make our drivers moreeµcient and add to our green image. But the purchasing people don’t seem to bege²ng the message. That’s where you come in. You did such a great job on the lastreport I want you to tackle this new assignment. Put together a small team and write apreliminary proposal detailing what vehicles we should purchase and the addi³onaltechnology that we should add to the package.”This sounds daun³ng and you remind him you are involved in other projects. He says,“I’m aware of that and this is not going to be a full-blown ´nal proposal. This will be apreliminary document that I will share with Purchasing and Logis³cs. Once it is accepted,and if you do a good job I have no doubt it will be, then we will put together a cross-department team consis³ng of you and people from Purchasing, Logis³cs, andCorporate Rela³ons. We plan to get maximum publicity from this ini³a³ve. The mediawill give us major coverage and we can serve as a model to the en³re organiza³on. Heck,the ´nal proposal will be a well over 100-pages, but this preliminary proposal should beno more than 7-10 pages. I know you can handle that.”

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View the AnswerIt sounds challenging but also a great opportunity so you tell Roger you will get to workon it. He tells you he will send you a one-page document with details about the currentfeet. He says he will also want to know who is on the team and what tasks they havebeen assigned. At the end oF the project you know he will expect an accounTng oF whoexactly did what. You leave his o±ce already trying to ²gure out your schedule.Details on the current feetOur current feet consists oF the Following:5³ord ExpediTons (2010 models) For use by managersAvg. MPG, 185³ord EconolineClass-3step-vans For light deliveriesAvg, MPG, 1030 Volvo Class 8 ´ractor ´rucks For pulling 40-Foot trailers, equipped with 400 hpCummins engineAvg. MPG, 5NO´E: Averages are heavily aµected by load weight, terrain, and how o¶en they mustaccelerate From a dead stop.´he Class 8 vehicles are powered by Cummins diesel engines.All other vehicles aregasoline powered.´he Class 8 tractors pull 40-Foot trailers. ´ypical round trip is 500 miles. Average totalweight is 45,000 pounds.Average Fuel consumed per round-trip is 55-60 gallons. At asteady 65 mph Fuel consumpTon is an average oF 9 mpg. ´ra±c and upward slopes whenpulling a Full load reduce mpg to under 4 mpg.Because oF the Indonesian climate the trucks must run air-condiToning even whenidling. ´he trucks idle at 12,000 rpm and consume 1.20 gallons oF Fuel per hour.

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