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ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachment1Course Project(80 points)QoS Design and ImplementaTon1. ObjecTvesAs a network engineer working for a Service Provider, design and implement QoS on aconverged network. For this project it is assumed that the converged network o±ers triple playservices and has the following tra²c: VOIP, High De³niTon ´V (HD´V), Video on Demand (VOD)and Internet.Note 1: ´he project is based on the experience acquired by the students in the previous labs,hence the main sources to complete the project are the labs of previous weeks, so it isimportant that the students review the lab instrucTons of the labs that have already beencompleted.Note 2: ´he students will have access to the same lab equipment of Skillsoµ as the previousweeks. ´he students will need to access the iLab to complete the project.2. Project RequirementsPart A: DesignIn this part the student should provide the QoS design.A1. It is assumed that the trafc sources For HD±V, VOD, VOIP and Internet are connected toswitch NYCORE1 to Four di²erent ports. ±he Following are the requirements:(10 points)-Assign a switch port to each type of tra²c.-Assign a COS to each type of tra²c. ´he COS marking has 8 classes, from 0 to 7,assuming 0 is the lowest priority and 7 is the highest. Decide which class each tra²cshould have, based on the importance of the tra²c.-Provide your answers in the form of the table below:´ra²c ´ypeSwitch Port NumberCOS1

View the Answer2Note that the answers for COS assignments can be slightly diFerent from student to student, aswe have 8 classes but only 4 types of tra±c to classify.A2. Explain in a short answer how or why you picked the highest priority trafc and thelowest priority trafc?(5 points)A3. Calculate the total bandwidth required For the Following customer pro±le.(5 points)It is assumed that the customer subscribed to a package that allows him or her to receive to hisor her residence simultaneously 2 HDTV channels, 2 VOD streams, VOIP, and Internet tra±c. Thebandwidth requirements for each type of tra±c is as follows:-One HD channel: 5 Mbps-One VOD: 5 Mbps-VOIP: 2 Mbps-Internet: 18 Mbps-Calculate and provide the total bandwidth required for the customer based on hissubscribed package above:Total bandwidth= _______________A4. Assuming the customer is connected to one ²astEthernet port oF switch NYCORE2,assign a port to the customer; it can be any Free port From the switch:(5 points)Customer port number is _____________________A5. The switch has Four queues on each port: 1, 2, 3 and 4. Assign a queue to each type oFtrafc based on their COS. Assign the percentage oF the total bandwidth that should bereserved For each queue, based on the bandwidth required For each type oF trafc, use thesubscribe package descrip³on in A3.Provide your answer in the Form oF the Following table:(15 points)2

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