I need help creating a 1-2 page reflective paper, double-spaced discussing the connections between business, law,
I need help creating a 1-2 page reflective paper, double-spaced discussing the connections between business, law,
politics and ethics on the following:
Video Case Study: Judicial, Alternative, and E-Dispute Resolution – Arbitrators Favoring Creditors
Please refer to the attached document for more details and access to video. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentWeek 7: AssignmentIn each week, the learning assignment is designed to demonstrate your competence with theTerminal Course Objec±ves of the course. Prior to working on the assignment, you should readthe week’s chapters and lecture.Clearly iden±fy your work with your name, the date, the week number, and the assignmentname, and upload your work to the Dropbox.The ques±ons are designed to probe the higher levels of thinking and learning such asanalyzing, evalua±ng, and crea±ng, and so there oFen are no correct answers. Instead offocusing and who wins or loses the case, you should analyze, evaluate, and create alterna±vesolu±ons to the various issues presented while arguing and deba±ng the connec±ons betweenbusiness, law, poli±cs, and ethics.Terminal Course Objec±ves: A and GVideo Case Study: Judicial, Alterna±ve, and E-Dispute Resolu±on – Arbitrators FavoringCreditorsh²p://media.pearsoncmg.com/ph/streaming/bp/2013/business_law/BLaw2013_Jud_Alt.htmlWatch the video case study and then write a one- to two-page refec±ve paper (double-spaced) on the ²ollowing ques±ons while discussing the connec±ons between business, law,poli±cs, and ethics.One:What is the di³erence between arbitra±on and li±ga±on? What steps in the li±ga±onprocess are missing in arbitra±on?Two:If the par±es to arbitra±on instead went to court, discuss the steps that the par±es wouldhave to take in order to go to trial.Three:The story talked about repeat players—companies that end up in arbitra±on repeatedlyover ±me. Because arbitrators are selected by a nego±a±on between the two par±es in thearbitra±on, this story indicates they are more likely to ´nd for these repeat players. Discuss theethics of this conµict of interest and what might be done to overcome the problem.Copyright ©2013 Pearson Educa±on, Inc.Submit your assignment to the Dropbox.