i need help with my school work please help me i need to get this done asap
i need help with my school work please help me i need to get this done asap
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentENG206InstrucTon ManualAn important form of technical communicaTon is explaining to an audience how to perform a task orprocedure. Clear and accurate instrucTons are essenTal for the safety of employees, clients, andcustomers. ±his assignment asks you to pracTce this skill by wriTng an instrucTon manual for aprocedure that requires at least three major steps and a series of sub-steps.Your purpose is to explain to a targeted audience how to complete a step-by-step procedure. ±heaudience should be someone who wants to learn the task, but who has limited knowledge of the taskand no direct experience doing the task. For example, a work-related duty might call for an audience ofnew employees who will need to perform the task as part of their job duTes. ±he document shouldenable the reader to do the task with li²le- or no-other instrucTon.±he manual should be approximately 4–6 pages, single-spaced, with illustraTons. Follow the generalmodel for instrucTons outlined in Chapter 7 inTechnical Communicaton S±ra±egies for Today.See alsoChapter 13, “Designing Documents and Interfaces” for help with creaTng a visually appealingdocument. You may use the template at the end of this document to help you format your instrucTonmanual. However, you may create your own format.Content and OrganizaTonIntroducTon±he introducTon should include a product summary and a complete list of materials and toolsneeded to do the task. It should also de³ne the task precisely and explain when, where, andwhy the task is performed.Body (Required Steps)±he steps should be in a list, using subheadings to separate major stages of the process. ±hesteps themselves should be phrased as commands: “±urn the red handle clockwise” NO± “±heuser should turn the red handle” or “±he red handle should be turned clockwise.”Use parallel structure: Be sure that each item in a list is in the same grammaTcal form.CAU±ION: If instrucTons already exist for the task, use them as areference, but don’t simply recon³gure them. Be sure to acknowledgeany sources you use.
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