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I need help with this as i do not know where to start with this

I need help with this as i do not know where to start with this. I don’t know how to do the porters analysis and

the in depth analysis. The company that i decided to do this on is Starbucks. I have attached a file with everything that will explain it all. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentCourse ProjectWeek 8Guidelines and Grading Rubric (200 points)Use your Course Project organization selected during Week 2 for this assignment.COMPANY NAME, WEBSITE, and INDUSTRYState the company name, website address, and industry.BACKGROUND and HISTORYBriefy describe the company in the case analysis. What is their primary business, who werethe oFcers or key players described in the case study? I± the case study company iscurrently in business, list the company’s current CEO, total sales, and pro²t or loss ±or thelast year where data is available. Identi±y key events or phases in the company’s history.Describe the per±ormance o± this company in the industry. Visit the company’s website andusehttp://² some other ²nancial search engine to ²nd this data. (15points)NOTE: Make sure to use APA citations throughout the paper. The textbook should becited i± it is the source o± in±ormation. I± you are not ±amiliar with APA citation, checkout the tutorialAPA Guidelines for Citing Sourcesat the end o± the courseSyllabus. There are videos to help you with the APA ±ormat and business research inthe Week 1 Llecture.ANALYSIS VIA PORTER’S FIVE FORCES MODELAnalyze the competitive environment by listing the threat o± new entrants, the bargainingpower o± buyers, the bargaining power o± suppliers, the threat o± substitute products andservices, and the intensity o± rivalry among competitors in the industry (Chapter 2).Summarize your key points in a ²gure. (25 points)STRATEGY USEDHow does this company create and sustain a competitive advantage? What strategy ±romthe readings was undertaken by this company? Were they success±ul? Can all companies usethis strategy? How is the strategy a³ected by the li±e cycle in the industry? Remember tore±erence Porter’s generic strategies identi²ed in Chapter 5 o± the textbook, THIS ISCRITICAL. (40 points)Speci±c STRATEGY(S)Choose six speci²c strategies ±rom this list.Ensuring Coherence in Strategic Direction (pages 26–32)Value Chain Analysis (pages 81–93)Resource View of Firm (pages 93–104)Industry Life Cycle Strategies (pages 187–195)Turnaround Strategies (pages 193–195)Vertical Integration (pages 210–214)1

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View the AnswerPortfolio Management and the BCG Matrix (pages 216–226)Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures (pages 226–228)Achieving Competitive Advantage (pages 256–267)Entry Model (pages 267–272)Entrepreneurial Strategy (pages 292–311)External Governance Control (pages 340–347)Linking Strategic Rewards (pages 366–372)Creating Ambidextrous Organization Designs (pages 383–387)Leadership (pages 392–416)Apply them in detail to the organization. Be sure to think strategically and show the resultsclearly. Use the strategy as a sub-header for each section so it is clear what is being applied.(90 points)COURSE OF ACTION RECOMMENDEDIf you were in a position to advise this company, what strategy would you recommend tosustain competitive advantage and achieve future growth? Be speciFc and list the steps thecompany should take for successful implementation of your course of action. (15 points)OPINIONWhat do you think of this case study? Describe what you believe are the lessons learnedfrom this case. (10 points)REFERENCESWhen you have completed the paper using the above sections, insert a page break and havea separate reference page. The references should be listed in accordance with the APAguidelines as shown in the tutorial. (5 points)FORMATUse a title page.±ont: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.Place your name in the upper left hand corner of the page.Each section of your paper should be headed by the bolded, capitalized itemdescribed above.Indent paragraphs.2

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