I need HELP with this excel spreadsheet. Attached is the template and the financial information.
I need HELP with this excel spreadsheet. Attached is the template and the financial information. I’ll pay $25 to a
someone to help me. I’ll add the citation at the bottom of the complete speardsheet. Just contact me and let’s knock this out I need it by Friday
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentAssumptions:1.At the beginning of 2009, CanGo purchased the online gaming company. Thispurchase was for cash, paid for through the proceeds of the IPO and results ingoodwill.2.90% of the online book sales comes from JIT, the other 10% through the inventorywhich CanGo possesses. 100% of the CD/DVD/MP3 come through CanGo inventory.The result is that 80% of ALL sales is JIT and 20% is inventory.3.There is one warehouse for shipping of books and one plant for manufacturing.4.There are three divisions: a CD/DVD/MP3 division, an online gaming division and abooks division. All manufacturing takes place in the CD/DVD/MP3 division.5.The IPO took place at the beginning of 2009.6.The CD/DVDs were customized beginning in 2008. The MP3 players were builtbeginning in the start of 2009.7.The online gaming company was purchased for $30,000,000 and both Elizabeth andAndrew initiated the process.8.The company began in 2006, has a VC infusion in 2007 and 2008. It showed a proFtin 2008 and 2009. Its only proFtable division is the online book sales division.9.It has some type of international operations, hence the need for a “translation gain orloss” in owner’s equity.10. It has an extraordinary loss from Fre and a sale of a segment of its business in 2009.Balance SheetASSETSDecember 31, 2009Cash$20,900,000Marketable Securities$117,000,000Accounts Receivable$33,000,000Less: Allowance for Bad Debts$(880,000)

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