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I need help with this project.

I need help with this project. I have been working on this for days and hours and still cant get this.

 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentBUSN278 Budgetng and Forecastng Templa±e Ins±ructonsUse this spreadsheet structure to lay out the various secTons of your project.±he purpose of this spreadsheet is to make it easy for your professor to locate thevarious secTons of your project. Please don’t alter the worksheet tabs or Ttles.AFer you ²nish your calculaTons in this spreadsheet, you will have tocreate a wri³en report where you take screenshots from this spreadsheetand put them in the Budget Proposal ±emplate, along with necessaryexplanaTons. Detailed instrucTons for how to write the reportare found in the Budget Proposal ±emplate,a Word document.

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View the AnswerYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4Year 5Sales1.2530,00037,50046,87558,593.7573,242.19almost 20%. The secondlocation said that it dependswhere you are located andthat their sales increased by22% in a year. The lastretail store I visited claimedthat there sales boosted upto 25% each year. This ishow I showed in the tableabove sales increasing by25% each year. Also, in thewebsite Statista mentionsalmost 20%. The secondlocation said that it dependswhere you are located andthat their sales increased by22% in a year. The lastretail store I visited claimedthat there sales boosted upto 25% each year. This ishow I showed in the tableabove sales increasing by25% each year. Also, in thewebsite Statista mentionsalmost 20%. The secondlocation said that it dependswhere you are located andthat their sales increased by22% in a year. The lastretail store I visited claimedthat there sales boosted upto 25% each year. This ishow I showed in the tableabove sales increasing by25% each year. Also, in thewebsite Statista mentions

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