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I need someone to make a Pro Forma Cash Budget for a business I have already created.

I need someone to make a Pro Forma Cash Budget for a business I have already created. The numbers must be inline

for what I have already created. The excel sheet must be created in the same document that I have added. I have also added a Pro Forma Cash Budget as an example to what I need. Thank you for your help

 ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentBUSN278 Budgetng and Forecastng Templa±e Ins±ructonsUse this spreadsheet structure to lay out the various secTons of your project.±he purpose of this spreadsheet is to make it easy for your professor to locate thevarious secTons of your project. Please don’t alter the worksheet tabs or Ttles.AFer you ²nish your calculaTons in this spreadsheet, you will have tocreate a wri³en report where you take screenshots from this spreadsheetand put them in the Budget Proposal ±emplate, along with necessaryexplanaTons. Detailed instrucTons for how to write the reportare found in the Budget Proposal ±emplate,a Word document.Wireless world is a store completely devoted to providing excellent customer services skills by using theirknowledge and expertise in the electronics world to better help customers. It offers many of products andservices to meet the needs of the customer. The store is located Orlando Fl. Which is a tourist area and home toDisney world. Orlando has been named #1 tourist destination in America and with that come plenty ofcustomers from all parts of the world. These customers may need simple electronics converters to charge theirphones they have brought from other countries or they may need a new computer. Wireless world is wellequipped to make their shopping experience a success. Also the store is located close to high-end stores thatbring customers looking for a more intimate shopping experience, which is also offered to better fit their needs.The age markets that will be focused on are adults between the ages of 22 and 49 years of age. The store willfocus on getting returning customers, electronics change yearly and it is important that wireless worlds staysahead of the other stores who offer the same type of experience. Services that are included are: At home set up,one to one classes, and personal shoppers. The products that are offered are cutting edge devices fromcompanies that are popular also with specialty electronics that can enhance the lives of our customers.

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