I need to use Microsoft Project to develop
I need to use Microsoft Project to develop the work breakdown structure (WBS) and work packages for your MY
Project. I need to develop the project schedule and project budget.
Below i have attached two documents so you can idea of my project.
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentProject DefnitionDate:05/08/2016Project Title:Bumble Bee’sProject Organization:ProjectManager:Masooma BehzadProjectManager’sResponsibilities• To produce the end-item with the available resources and within theconstraints of time, cost, and performance/technology• To meet contractual proFt objectives• To make all required decisions whether they be for alternatives ortermination• To act as the customer (external) and upper-level and functionalmanagement (internal) communications focal point• To “negotiate” with all functional disciplines for accomplishment of thenecessary work packages within the constraints of time, cost, andperformance/technology• To resolve all con±ictshttps://devry.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781118741481/cF/10!/4/2/12/14/8@0:100ExecutiveSponsor:Michelle Oliaz Title: Project sponsor & Executive Manager.Project Scope Statement:I want to open a Day Care facility in the location of ²redericksburg VA. ²irst and far most Iwould meet with the state’s day care business licensing requirements, which may obtainseparate licensing to run a business in my city or town. I might also need insurance toprotect my assets in the event something goes wrong. In addition to the legalities, I will alsohave to spend time choosing the right location for my facility, obtaining child care equipmentand supplies, and hiring employees to help you care for the children. Though I will have toinvest careful planning and money, a day care business may prove proFtable and fulFlling.This whole process will take between 9 to 12 months. My budget would be 175,000.Project Success:Bumble bee’s will not be just any day care it will have licensed professionals and given theproper training in order to do their job well. This will attract even more customers becauseword of mouth deFnitely plays a role. Most important this project will be completed on timewithin the budget. After hiring and having the proper personals it will be up and ready. ThisVersion 1, 07/01/11Page 1 of 3

View the AnswerProject Defnitionopportunity is a great way to start a new aspect towards growth and change.In order to be successful parents will look to basics such as the cleanliness of the facility, itsreputation in the community, the ratio of staF to children, and if the child care center oFers asafe environment for children. However, there are many other elements that contributegreatly to the success of a child care program that is designed to support the development ofyoung children while satisfying the high expectations of parents.Important factors:A Great CurriculumThe child care center’s curriculum will be designed to stimulate children through a variety ofactivities. Successful child care programs schedule time for daily physical activity, groupprograms, quiet time, individual activities and free play time. Care should be taken to selecttoys, crafts and other activities that are age-appropriate for the range of children who takepart in your program.Established Rules & PoliciesWhile ±exibility is important to an extent, the child care program will have clear regulationswhen it comes to the hours of operation, emergency procedures, or sick child policies. Havingthese types of policies in writing demonstrates to parents that I can take your responsibility(the care of their child) very seriously.High-Quality StaFThis child care program will be designed to be successful by having high-quality, quali²edstaF to help execute it. Look to hire staF who have a background in early childhoodeducation along with other health and safety quali²cations such as ²rst aid and CPR training.In addition to hiring highly quali²ed staF, I will work towards retaining the talented staFmembers so children can bene²t from consistent and stable care.Attention to Health & SafetyA child care program should pay the utmost attention to the health and safety of the staFand children involved. While a clean facility is a must, highly successful child care programsalso take care to ensure total safety in all regards. Seemingly small details like workingsmoke detectors, accessible ²re extinguishers and a well-stocked ²rst aid kit are all keys toensuring children are safe in the case of emergencies. The facility itself will be highly securedto prevent unwanted visitors from entering.Parent InvolvementParents often look for child care programs that invite them to visit the facility and participatewhenever they’d like. If the child care center discourages parent visits or asks that theyarrange their visit in advance, parents may feel as though you have something to hide.Additionally, I will maintain open and consistent communication with parents to keep themup to date on their child’s progress as well as handle any concerns they may have. Keepingparents engaged in the child care program will bene²t not only them, but also their child andthe success of the facility.Version 1, 07/01/11Page 2 of 3
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