I want to use this but need help rewording for less plagerisum.
I want to use this but need help rewording for less plagerisum.Thanks
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentTimeline for the bid activities and time duration for each contracting processContracting ProcessPlan DurationPlan Purchases and Acquisitions stage2 MonthProcurementPlanning2 MonthsRequest Seller Responses2 MonthVendor Selection1 MonthsContract Administration2 MonthsContract Close-Out15 DaysPlan Purchases and Acquisitions stage -This phase involves whether to keep the logistics function in-house or togo outside and look for vendors. At the end of this phase, company will have a documented project procurementplan. A contractor administrator should be appointed who can manage the entire contracting process for thecompany. This transition is a long and detailed process, requiring the attention of a full-time contractoradministrator. Without someone in this position, the contracting process will likely take longer to complete, havemore mistakes, and cost more money.Procurement Planning -In this phase, Multi Equipment Manufacturing Ltd will prepare the solicitation document(RFP). The RFP gives the supplier background information about the company and its industry, and it describes thelogistics function that the company wishes to outsource, specific tasks to be taken on by the supplier and a deadlinefor when the RFP must be received at the company.Request Seller Reponses -Multi Equipment Manufacturing Ltd will issue a request for a proposal that will be sentto potential sellers. The Contract Administrator of Multi Equipment Manufacturing Ltd should derive a set ofselection criteria for picking a supplier. These criteria should be as quantitative as possible.Vendor Selection- Based on its review of supplier facilities, equipment, performance records, and references, MultiEquipment Manufacturing Ltd can now make an informed decision to select a supplier. However, this should not bea qualitative decision. Instead, the selection team should assign weighting to each of its selection criteria and scoreeach supplier candidate on each item. The supplier with the highest score should be given the company’s business.Finalize the contract.Once the supplier has been selected, it must be given time to conduct a thorough review ofthe company’s materials management systems. This gives it enough information to determine the company’s actualrequirements, which may vary from the ones the supplier was told about when it was first brought into the selectionprocess. Once the supplier has this information, it is in a much better position to negotiate a final contract with thecompany based on realistic knowledge and expectations by both the company and the vendor.

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