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Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare).

Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare).

Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare). Conduct scholarly research on this organization and write an analysis (2 page minimum) where you describe the association, the type of information that can be obtained from this organization, how this organization can benefit your own workplace, and where the organization might fall short. This isn’t simply copying/pasting information from the organization’s web site. You need to synthesize the information that you find and present this in your own words. All work should follow APA formatting standards. Review the grading rubric for expectations.


smilesmile. .


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Identify an organization that supports training and development (e.g. ASTD) in your industry (Healthcare). was first posted on November 13, 2020 at 7:09 am.
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