Identify whether you have an anti-virus software running on your machine and from which company.
The head of the IT security department expressed her concerns about series of data breaches that occurred in the company and mentioned that many employees ignored their system security warnings.
You have been asked to provide a summary of information to the entire team about data breaches and suggest proactive and preventative measures for warding off viruses. Your presentation will be sent out to all company employees, so the information must be clear, concise, and informative.
To prepare your presentation, use your personal computer to perform the following tasks:
- Identify whether you have an anti-virus software running on your machine and from which company.
- Identify if a firewall is enabled on your machine and if you need Windows® firewall running in addition, if that anti-virus software is installed on your machine.
Include the following in your summary:
- Definition of a data breach
- Ways to determine if your system was infected with a virus
- At least three preventive measures against data breaches, both physical or digital
- Instructions on locating anti-virus and firewall software
- Instructions on what to do if a virus has infected your computer
Choose one of the following options for your summary:
- A 2- to 3-minute podcast using the software of your choice, such as Sound Recorder or Audacity to create your audio file and save as a MP3 or WAV.
- A 2- to 3-minute video delivered as an MP4 or MOV file.
- Infographic or visual diagram delivered as a PDF. You may use any Microsoft® Office product or free sites such as Piktochart,, or Canva to create an infographic.
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Identify whether you have an anti-virus software running on your machine and from which company. was first posted on August 30, 2019 at 2:25 pm.
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Identify whether you have an anti-virus software running on your machine and from which company. was first posted on August 30, 2019 at 2:26 pm.
Identify whether you have an anti-virus software running on your machine and from which company. was first posted on August 30, 2019 at 2:27 pm.
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