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If you were going to design an airspeed system with no errors, what would it look like? How would you eliminate the errors?

If you were going to design an airspeed system with no errors, what would it look like? How would you eliminate the errors?

Compare and contrast the methods of measuring aerodynamic forces in a wind tunnel to that of an airplane in flight.

Compare and contrast an aircraft having a high aspect ratio wing to an aircraft that has a low aspect wing. What are the operational requirements that drive these designs? All things being equal, which aircraft will–in principle–have longer endurance and why? Which aircraft will lose more energy in flight under elevated G and why?

What are the design features in an aircraft that affect an aircraft’s takeoff and landing performance? Research an airplane and describe what features are used.

Compare and contrast the best jet range profiles. Which is best and why?

  1. Constant Mach, Constant Cruising Altitude.
  2. Constant Thrust, Constant Cruising Altitude.
  3. Decreasing Mach, Constant Cruising Altitude.
  4. Constant Mach, Increasing Altitude.

Compare and contrast propeller driven performance to jet performance in an aircraft? If you were designing an aircraft what would be the reasons for choosing the power plant type?

Compare and contrast spin recovery procedures of two different aircraft. What makes the recoveries different for each aircraft?

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