I’m working on a project and I have written the first part of the executive summary,
I’m working on a project and I have written the first part of the executive summary, however I need assistance
with the remaining two paragraphs, which are:
Also, provide a second paragraph that describes how the budget supports the company’s strategy.
Finally, provide a third paragraph where you summarize the key points from your budget, including the planning horizon; the amount of up-front investment; the NPV, payback, and IRR of the project; and key figures from your income statement, cash budget, and balance sheet.
I have attached the requirements that are provided for the company in my project.
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentBusiness Profle: The Cutng Edge—LandscapingVisionThe vision of the entrepreneur is to create a Fve-team landscaping business that caters to upscaleneighborhoods in Miami, ±lorida. The company is to be called The Cu²ng Edge. The goal of theentrepreneur is to generate income of at least $42,000 per year as his personal salary, as well as proFtsof 4% a³er tax no later than the second year of opera´on. The entrepreneur intends to buy a route of100 homes from a lawn service company whose owner is re´ring.S±ra±egya) Marke± Focus and AnalysisThe landscaping business targets upscale neighborhoods with home associa´ons that demand lawns tobe manicured and well cared for. Customers tend to be upper middle to upper class individuals withhousehold income levels of $110,000 or more. The geographic focus is Miami and its surrounding area.The area is expected to show slow economic growth of about 1% per year over the next 5 years.b) Produc±The product is lawn maintenance and landscaping services as well as minor irriga´on equipment repair.The primary source of income is expected to be in the form of lawn-cu²ng, debris-blowing, and edge-trimming services. However, the company will also do reseeding, landscaping and foliage or treeplan´ng, tree trimming, and light irriga´on system repair when necessary to keep its customer’s lawnswatered and healthy.c) Basis o² Compe³³onCustomers hire the Cu²ng Edge due to its employees’ reliability (showing up when they are supposedto), its quality lawn service, and its ability to keep lawn sprinkler systems in good repair, sparing thehomeowner the inconvenience of calling a sprinkler repair for minor repairs such as broken or cloggedsprinkler heads or other minor sprinkler system repairs.S±ar±-Up Requiremen±s*Given Cos±s

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