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Imoression from Patient teaching

  1. Describe the facility you chose & why. What services are provided? What is the nature of the clients/patients? Is there a fee? For services? Are they open at night? Weekends?
  2. Is the facility funded by the state of Florida, the federal government, private donations? Is privately owned & by whom?
  3. How does the facility help or impact the community in which It is located?
  4. What is the population being treated?
  5. Are there qualifications or restrictions as to whom is treated?
  6. Do they offer preventative care or treat illness?
  7. Are medications given or special treatments or tests ()tiered?
  8. What is the major role of the registered nurse at the facility?
  9. Name 3 types of verbal communication that you saw used & 3 types of non-verbal communication seen (examples are in your textbook)
  10. What was the dominant culture of the facility? Were there other cultures that were present? How about the personnel?
  11. What problems or potential ones did you observe because of cultural backgrounds?
  12. Was patient teaching done? How? If not, why not.
  13. Your impression (good or not) about what you saw.

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