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Inequality and Gender

In this three- to four-page (800-1000 word) paper, you will use some of your searching skills and build on

course content to discuss TWO MAJOR ASPECTS related to these topics and incorporate at least ONE

ARTICLE that you found on your own. We will cover a variety of angles and material, so you should select

at least two things that seem most interesting or most important to you to center your writing around. You

can practice some synthesis, but it is okay to deal with articles more individually in this paper since we will

not have covered synthesis yet. You will use this paper to begin your work with combining sources. How

does the lecture fit with the reading materials? How does the article that you found on your own fit with the

rest of this? You can deal with inequality on its own, gender on its own, or discuss the intersections. You

should have an INTRODUCTION, LITERATURE REVIEW, and CONCLUSION. You should also include a

reference page (this is your bibliography)

Sample Solution

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