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Intelligence Testing Article Analysis

– Must be origional work.



Use the Electronic Reserve Readings for this course, the University Library, or other resources to locate at least three articles concerning intelligence testing.


Construct a brochure for a local elementary school. Consider your audience, as this information would likely be distributed during meetings where a child might have received an intelligence test. Your brochure would then be given to parents, guardians, and others to help them better understand the purpose of intelligence testing.


Include the following in your brochure:


  • Provide a brief overview of at least two theories of intelligence related to the content of your selected articles to help your audience understand what intelligence testing accomplishes.
  • Discuss methods of measuring intellectual functioning.
  • Discuss how the concept of intelligence is different than academic achievement.


Include three credible, peer-reviewed references.


Format the citations in your brochure consistent with APA guidelines.

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