It is extremely important to establish the appropriate level of measurement for variables being measured in a study because level of measurement impacts?
1) It is extremely important to establish the appropriate level of measurement for variables beingmeasured in a study because level of measurement impacts?A. How long the study will runB. How often measurements should be madeC. The number of participants that must be recruitedD. The assumptions underlying the quantitative methods of analysis chosen2) The principle of parsimony in research may be reflected in measurement efforts by?A. Selecting long and complex measurement strategies to ensure full coverageB. Rejecting operational definitions that are too concreteC. Selecting accurate and effective measurement strategies that are as brief as possibleD. Specifying intricate algorithms for data collection so phenomena complexity is preserved3) The more intrusive the measurement of a physical or psychological construct in humanparticipants is the greater the __________ concerns.A. CostB. Procedural effectivenessC. AnalyticalD. Ethical4) The calculation of Chronbachs Coefficient Alpha would observe lower results when thecontent of the instrument is more?A. Operationally definedB. Externally ValidC. HomogeneousD. Heterogeneous5) Methods of measurement where participants becoming aware of those measurements actuallyalter their responses or behaviors are known as?A. Ethically volatileB. Second generationA. Ethically volatileC. ReactiveD. Fuzzy focused6) A __________ establishes a quantitative means to measure a defined construct by usingassigned values as a basis to quantify observations and participant responses.A. AlgorithmB. Non-biased procedureC. ProtocolD. Scale7) To approximate a normal distribution of scores and support parametric forms of quantitativeanalysis variables must be measurable at the __________ level or above.A. ConcreteB. IntervalC. OrdinalD. Categorical8) The circumstance of a particular construct being measured by two different sets of items held tobe equivalent in representing the construct is known as?A. GeneralizabilityB. Personal biasC. Alternate Forms ReliabilityD. Predictive Validity9) A form of validity that may be measured by being uncorrelated with measures focused ondistinctly different constructs is known as?A. Face ValidityB. Foundational ValidityC. Concurrent ValidityD. Discriminant Validity10) Interval scales of measurement have equal distances between points but lack?A. Operational definitionsB. Absolute zero pointsC. External validityD. Internal consistency11) A Nominal Scale can only be used to?A. Put things in a particular orderB. Place things into descriptive categoriesC. Making things appear to be above or below zeroD. Establish a particular Most to Least order of relationship12) Surveys interviews and questionnaires all focus on?A. Observed behaviorB. Archival dataC. Self-Report MeasuresD. Expert ratings13) The extent to which measures of a construct in your instrument are related to other measuresof the same construct is known as?A. Convergent ValidityB. Content ValidityC. Construct ValidityD. Criterion Validity14) A means of determining the agreement among judges or raters when a given set of these areassessing or evaluating a particular defined and observed phenomenon (e.g. performance ofparticipants on a given behavioral task).A. Test-Retest ReliabilityB. Interrater ReliabilityA. Test-Retest ReliabilityC. Judge/Rater Validity of Circumstance (J/R VC)D. Split-half reliability15) The level of measurement that has equal distance between scale points an absolute zero andcan be subject to all arithmetic operations is?A. NominalB. RatioC. OrdinalD. Interval16) The four basic levels of measurement are?A. Category rating scale numericalB. Nominal Ordinal Interval RatioC. Continuous Dichotomous Symmetrical Non-SymmetricalD. Direct Indirect intrusive non-intrusive17) In general terms the consistency or dependability of a measurement technique is known as?A. ValidityB. ReliabilityC. GeneralizabilityD. Trustworthiness18) The extent to which a measurement strategy actually measures a definable theoreticalconstruct or trait is know as:A. Internal ValidityB. External consistencyC. Construct ValidityD. Criterion Validity19) Uncontrolled variance that distorts scores and observations so that these no longer accuratelyrepresent the construct in question or being studied is known as?A. Measurement errorB. Validation failureC. Fluctuating biasD. Non-specific distortion algorithms20) A major characteristic of quantitative measurement instruments that greatly influences how weevaluate internal consistency of the instrument is?A. Content heterogeneity versus homogeneityB. Content volumeC. Content criterionD. Content inclusions beyond elemental concepts21) When a measure is compared to an outside criterion that will be measured in the future it isknow as?A. Predictive ValidityB. Content ValidityC. Concurrent ValidityD. Specific Validity22) The relevance of a measurement instrument or strategy to the construct one is attempting tomeasure is known as?A. Concurrent ValidityB. Internal ConsistencyC. Content ValidityD. Predictive Validity23) Establishing clear __________ is critical to developing clear and accurate measurementstrategies.A. Paths to successB. Natural focusC. Operational definitionsD. Conceptual determinations24) The more reliable a measurement instrument the more accurately it should estimate aparticipants __________ in relationship to the construct being measured (e.g. intelligence).A. HeterogeneityB. PersistenceC. Resolve and CommitmentD. True Score25) The extent to which a particular instrument and the constituent items making up the instrumentappear to measure the construct(s) being measured is known as?A. Discriminant ValidityB. Convergent ValidityC. Face ValidityD. Foundational Validity
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