Jumpin Fish Computer Co . outsources the production of motherboards for its co Due to differences in the product failure rates in the two companies
Jumpin Fish Computer Co . outsources the
production of motherboards for its co
Due to differences in
the product failure rates in the two companies , 5% of
motherboards purchased from Alpha will be inspected and 25% of motherboards purcha
masters It is currently deciding which of two suppliers to use Alpha or Beta Due to diferences in the prod
sed from Beta will be inspected . The following data refers to costs ass
( Click the icon to view the data )
@ Data Table
1 . What is the relevant cost of purchasing from Alpha and Beta ?
2 . What factors other than cost should Jumpin Fish consider ?
Requirement 1 . What is the relevant cost of purchasing from Alpha and Beta ?
Number of orders per year
Calculate the relevant cost of purchasing from Alpha and Beta
Annual motherboards demanded
Price per motherboard
8 95
5 91
Purchase costs
Ordering cost per order
8 91
Ordering costs
Inspection cost per unit
Inspection costs
verage inventory level
200 units
200 units
equired annual return on investment
Expected number of stockouts
Stockout costs
Stockout cost ( cost of rush order ) per stockout
Return costs
Units returned by customers for replacing motherboards
ost of replacing each motherboard
8 21
5 21
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