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Karl Marx envisioned an irreconcilable social class

Karl Marx envisioned an irreconcilable social class division between the bourgeoisie and the ____________


In 1853, Commodore _______ sailed a naval flotilla into Edo Bay to “encourage” trade deals with Japan

Three laws of planetary motion developed by ____________ advanced the science of _________________

The magnetic ________ allowed mariners to determine their determine their direction and position while at sea

During the years of the European slave trade, the great majority of African slaves were imported into __________

The British East India Company factory-forts became administratie centers for adjacent territories Native Indian ____ were trained in the manner of British troops

Across the globe, the widely disproportionate number of woman living in extreme poverty is referred to as the _____________ of poverty

Because American politcians embraced _______ following WW1, the US Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of _______ and subsequently, President Wilson’s League of Natons

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