Lifestyle changes and preventative measures for kids for adults cancer
you’re going to cover preventative measures like life style changes for adults and how things like chemo, radio therapy, medication, surgery, immune therapy, stem cell transfer can effect children and adults2. Lifestyle aspect of adulthood cancer rooted in over exposure to sun/smoke due to life style choices- lung cancer, skin cancer – look into duration and how lifestyle choices effectsFOCUS ON THIS: 3. preventative measures for adults/lack of preventative measures for kids because it is genetically and thus can be repaired more easily and with less side effectslife style changes/preventative aspect of it Healthy choices prolong life. Eating right, exercise, antioxidant take for removal of free radicals
Question please watch this video –
please watch this video –
Question I have attached my assignment brief, could you give subheadings on every
I have attached my assignment brief, could you give subheadings on every section, please, can include any relevant diagram
Question 5 pages.chicago(author-date) referencing style. complete all aspect of the assignment question. explain
5 pages.chicago(author-date) referencing style. complete all aspect of the assignment question. explain and complete the report properly
Tactics make the steps from which operational leaps are assembled, strategy points out the path
Question This is a mini literature review, I am sorry i was not
This is a mini literature review, I am sorry i was not sure which ‘type of paper’ to select when making the order. Instructions:This assignment is a continuation of assessment 1 (I have attached assessment 1 to this order) in that you are required to apply the remaining principles of EBP to evaluate, appraise and synthesise evidence with the aim of answering the question from assessment 1. (The research question from assessment 1 was “What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquiredinfections in patients?”)Make sure you carefully read your feedback from assignment 1 as you may need to review your search protocol and conduct a further search to locate the best available evidence to answer the question. Task:From your pool of 10 articles from assignment 1, choose a minimum of four articles (research papers only). You will need to attach a screenshot of the abstract for each article at the end of your assignment as an appendix.Write a literature review of the findings to the answerable question from your chosen articles. In your discussion of the findings, you will also integrate appraisal of the research conducted. At the end of your review, provide recommendations for best practice relevant to the answerable question to ensure safe and effective care is provided.Further instructions on the task and resources on how to write a literature review will be attached as a file. Refer to the SNM Guide to Assignment Presentation and Submission to finalise your paper.The SNM assessment rubric will be used to mark this assignment.
Question Could you please help me with my Reflective journal?Management-Learning experience-Reflective practice.Sharing of
Could you please help me with my Reflective journal?Management-Learning experience-Reflective practice.Sharing of my new learning experience.275 words. Thank you.
It need to include total 3 articles two articles from the book
It need to include total 3 articles two articles from the book of (They say I say) I can scan the articles from the book and one article from the internet (outside source) and `MLA format And counter argument with our opinionThe essay is about the impact of technology in our lives. Between the various articles, the writers present varying views of how different software technologies, social media and the Internet are impacting our societyIt need to include two articles from the book of (They say I say) I can scan the articles from the book and one article from the internet (outside source)Write an essay in which you argue your own position on this issue. Do you believe that this type of technology is benefiting our society, or is it limiting our abilities? Approximate length: 4-5 pages Some issues you may want to cover include: Cognition Attention span Social interaction Memory Select an intriguing and relevant title. In the introduction: Draw your reader in with a hook and discussion indicating why this is an issue to which readers should pay attention. Make sure to clarify a thesis statement indicating the issue and your position. In the body of your essay, you will: Develop transitions between and within paragraphs to guide your readers from point to point Effectively integrate sources using varied approaches and signal phrases. Use at least 3 sources. At least 2 of them should be from our text (Ch 18). Use direct quotes and paraphrases Carefully and accurately apply MLA documentation within the text. Include a Works Cited page Throughout the essay: use signal phrases to attribute ideas to the source. Use effective language clear sentence structure, strong word choices, coherent paragraphs, and clear transitions between
Question It is a book review of the book Censored: Distraction and Diversion
It is a book review of the book Censored: Distraction and Diversion Inside China’s Great Firewall, by Margaret E. Roberts.Please follow the descriptions and instructions mentioned in the attached paper and work accordingly, try to include all aspects and chapters of the book into the paper. REMEMBER TO USE THE WHOLE PAGES DON’T WRITE 3 AND HALF PAGES.
Tactics make the steps from which operational leaps are assembled, strategy points out the path
Footage from LAPD body and car cameras
Instructions: Should the camera footage from LAPD body and car cameras be publicly available? Answer this question drawing explicitly on the course readings. Consider how Kant, Smith, Foucault, and Bentham would answer this question in your paper.
Question This is a mini literature review, I am sorry i was not
This is a mini literature review, I am sorry i was not sure which ‘type of paper’ to select when making the order. Instructions:This assignment is a continuation of assessment 1 (I have attached assessment 1 to this order) in that you are required to apply the remaining principles of EBP to evaluate, appraise and synthesise evidence with the aim of answering the question from assessment 1. (The research question from assessment 1 was “What is the effect of using correct hand hygiene procedures to reduce the risk of hospital acquiredinfections in patients?”)Make sure you carefully read your feedback from assignment 1 as you may need to review your search protocol and conduct a further search to locate the best available evidence to answer the question. Task:From your pool of 10 articles from assignment 1, choose a minimum of four articles (research papers only). You will need to attach a screenshot of the abstract for each article at the end of your assignment as an appendix.Write a literature review of the findings to the answerable question from your chosen articles. In your discussion of the findings, you will also integrate appraisal of the research conducted. At the end of your review, provide recommendations for best practice relevant to the answerable question to ensure safe and effective care is provided.Further instructions on the task and resources on how to write a literature review will be attached as a file. Refer to the SNM Guide to Assignment Presentation and Submission to finalise your paper.The SNM assessment rubric will be used to mark this assignment.
Question files attached I need 10 000 words firstly (23000 words already written,
files attached I need 10 000 words firstly (23000 words already written, all you need just to add 77000 words), then I need the rest 7300 words till the final deadline
Breastfeeding Difficulties For The Obese Woman
The case study is for a Midwifery Course/UnitI have attached the relevant extended information regarding format and coursework resources relevant to case study, that could be used as reference as well please. Can you also please reference peer-reviewed published research journal articles in the midwifery field thanx.
Recently, your reading has focused on the impact of war on the
Recently, your reading has focused on the impact of war on the history of modern art. In this week’s discussion forum, you will choose a work of art that expresses political themes specifically related to warfare. Although you are encouraged to focus on works related to World War One, you may also choose a work by an avant-gardeRussian artist related to the Bolshevik Revolution, or even revisit Romanticism and choose a work of art related to the French Revolution or Napoleonic Wars (such as Goya’s Disasters of War). The purpose of this assignment is to examine a work of art in its historical context, and also to research how political forces shaped the lives of artists. In your post, please choose a single work of art that has political content and describe the way in which the artist expresses their perspective. How do they communicate their ideas through iconography, narrative, color, technique, etc.? What specific political events inspired the work of art? How did these events shape the life of the artist?Be sure to include an image of the work in your a poem in the forum that is related to World War One
Assignment Writing Help prepares unique assignments. We have highly qualified experts monitoring every
Assignment Writing Help prepares unique assignments. We have highly qualified experts monitoring every task and guarantee you score the highest grades.
Assignment #2: Disability Culture Plunge (DCP) Code of Conduct
Assignment #2: Disability Culture Plunge (DCP) Code of Conduct
[Revision] Foundations of Nursing Associate practice
Write a case study of the care given to a patient, and the trainee nurse associate involvement within this. This should follow the format provided in this handbook and should focus on 3 specific aspects of care.For the 3 specific aspects of care I have chosen are:-Nutrition assessment .-Patient positioning and pressure ulcers.- Temperature. All references: books, journals, articles, guidelines needs to be UK. And referenced by Cite Them Right referencing guide. No headings please.
Michael Sandel and Iris Marion Young’s critiques of Rawls’ Justice as Fairness
*Do not need sources outside of Sandel’s, Young’s, and Rawls’ pieces.*The essay is on Michael Sandel’s piece “The Procedural Republic and the Unencumbered Self” and Iris Marion Young’s book “Justice and the Politics of Difference” (Ch 1,2,6) and how they critique Rawls’ Justice as Fairness.Sandel and Young both provide critiques of Rawls’ model of justice as fairness. Sandel attacks Rawls’ conception of the self and Young criticizes Rawls’ definition of justice as distributive justice. How do you evaluate their respective critiques of Rawls? Tasks for this paper: 1) Explain Sandel’s criticism of the model of the ‘unencumbered self’ (and provide concrete examples whenever helpful). 2) Explain Young’s criticism of the distributive paradigm (and provide concrete examples whenever helpful). 3) Assess Sandel and Young’s respective critiques of Rawls: which argument do you find the most promising? Which critique provides the most compelling case to rethink (or even reject) Rawls’ theory of justice as fairness? Give at least 2 reasons to support your claim that one is more promising than the other. 4) Consider a possible counter-argument. Someone is writing a thoughtful argument that rejects one of your premises or your conclusion. How might you respond to a possible counter-argument?Reminders1) Explicitly define/clarify the meaning of terms: Imagine that your reader has not read these texts. Make sure that you define all important terms as you go along. Remember that what separates two authors is often precisely how they understand the meaning of a central term. (Think of how the different authors we have read understand differently terms such as “justice,” “person,” “society,” etc.) In that case, your discussion should specify the various ways of understanding the meaning of a central term.2) Provide justifications for your claims: If you do or do not agree with an author, it is not sufficient to simply say that you “like” them better or less than another: You must at least briefly say something about why this or that position is preferable to this or that other, i.e., why it gives a better, more complete and/or more nuanced answer to the question you’re trying to address.3) Structure your essay as clearly as possible: Present the problem, your thesis (= your answer) and your plan for the essay clearly in the introduction. Make sure to include clear transitions between the different parts of your essay. Your transitions should make clear how the different parts of your essay are related to one another, and assure you and your reader that you always – even if you may make “detours” – relate your discussion back to the initial question.4) Quotes and references: Whenever you directly cite the text, remember to explain what’s going on in the quote in your own words. The quote will not “make the argument for you” – you have to show why/how the quote is pertinent to the point you’re trying to make. Remember to include references every time you quote an author or reproduce their argument (either directly or indirectly). For the texts we have read in class, simply indicate the reference in parentheses after your quote, for example (Rawls, 180). You do not have to use citations if you’re simply giving a general presentation of a text, but the moment you refer to a specific point or precise argument, you should include a reference. If you only use texts from class, you do not need to include a ‘Works Cited/Reference’ page.
[Revision] Bam 312 Unit 3 – Why is it especially important in marketing and sales messages to avoid implying offers or promises you cannot fulfill?
Use standard essay format and must have at least 3 paragraphs (ie Intro, body and conclusion).Responses must be double spaced using a standard font (ie Times New Roman) and 12 point type size. use A.P.A. style citations Please ONLY reference Business Communications Today 13th Edition, 2016 Authors: Courtland L. Bovee
Question If the essay can mention some of the element of Western movie
If the essay can mention some of the element of Western movie genre is better!
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