m38 problem set STATISTICS
Using SPSS, which was bundled with your textbook or you purchased (rented) separately, and the GSS database (click this link (https://moodle.esc.edu/pluginfile.php/787502/mod_assign/intro/gss081500cases.sav) to access the GSS file), respond to the following questions. Copy your SPSS outputs, paste them in a Word document, and then submit the assignment.
To copy and paste SPSS output into a Word Document:
- PCs: Go to the output viewer of SPSS and right click on the table that you want to copy. Click on ‘copy’. Then go to your word document, right click and click ‘paste’.
- MAC: highlight table to copy, click on Command C. Go to your word document, click Command V to paste. If you have an older Apple machine, use the Apple button instead of the Command.