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marketing, global business

Innovation Project

BA 1101

Companies worldwide are continually challenged with the need for sustainable growth in order to improve their bottom line and keep investors and stockholders happy.  These companies utilize internal expertise as well as consider acquisitions and mergers to accomplish this growth.  Examples range from Whole Foods adding a Tap Room, Amazon developing a drone delivery system, and Walt Disney adding a Harry Potter theme park. 


Project Idea:  The Intrapreneur

Task:  Each student will adopt one of the companies listed below (only one person per company) and creatively develop a strategic business unit (SBU) in order to improve the health of the company. You should consider your major and include the perspective of your major.


Students will use the provided outline/rubric (see below) that considers each relevant topic studied in BA 1101. This project requires further researching and exploring topics in the business school curriculum including accounting/finance, information technology, operations, human resources, marketing, global business, and more.


Step 1:  Provide the instructor with your choice of company.  Begin doing secondary research on your company.  (See instructions on the DB)

Step 2:  Conduct necessary research about the chosen company to better understand the health of that company.  This should include company history, current situation, and financial status.

Step 3:  Develop an idea that will impact the growth of the company.  Detail the idea and how it will need support from and affect the other areas of the company (accounting, IT, HR, marketing, etc.).


Southwest Airlines



Whole Foods


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