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Med company allocates costs from the payroll department(s1) and the maintenance department(S2) the molding (P1) finishing (p2) and packing (p3) department.

Med company allocates costs from the payroll department(s1) and the maintenance department(S2) the molding (P1)

finishing (p2) and packing (p3) department. Payroll department cost are allocated based on the number of employees in the department and maintenance department cost are allocated based on the number od square feet which production department occupies within the factory. Information about department is presented below .

Department.          Cost.      Employees.       Feet Occupied 

Payroll (s1           136, 000.      2.                   2000

Maintenance (s2       220000     8.                    64000

Molding (P1                              71                  100000

Finishing. (P2                              48                  60,000

Packing.    (P3                              23                   40000

Medusa uses the direct method to allocate the cost.  Roll all answers to the nearest dollar.  What amout of the payroll department cost will allocated to the molding department 

Shawn company has $39 for each units in the variable cost and $1,900.000 per year in fix cost, demand is estimates to be 138,000 units annually, what will be the price if a markup of 35% on the total cost is used to determine the price 

Round to two decimal places 

If a company as $8.00 for each units in the variable cost of 3.70 per unit in fixed cost at a volume of 50,000 unites.  If the agency marks up a total cost by 0.55, what price should be charged if the 70,000 unites are expected to be sold.

Round to two decimal places 

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