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Medicare (USHCS Perpectives: A Structured Stakeholder Analysis)

***I will need 4 pages not including title or reference page), in APA format!***** Thanks!


In this assignment students will gain expertise in identifying and analyzing the role of stakeholders in the U.S. Health Care Sector, examining the health care sector from the perspective of stakeholders, and examining the leadership and management of a stakeholder organization.


This assignment calls for a 3-5 page report (not including title page or reference page).  The student should address the following:


 Name and provide a brief overview of the stakeholder organization. Identify and describe the key health care issue the stakeholder is influencing, who is being represented by the stakeholder, the desired impact of the stakeholder on the issue and what the stakeholder’s members or constituents stand to gain if the desired outcome is achieved.

Identify and explain the stakeholder organization perspective: Payer (insurers, government payers, and employers); Provider (entities and individuals providing services in the health care system); Patient (consumers); or Producer (a product developer) could also be examined in this assignment.

Identify an organization that the stakeholder partners with OR an organization that opposes the stakeholder and describe their perspective on the same issue.

Identify the most senior leader of the organization. Describe his or her educational and positional background. Identify the duties and responsibilities of this leadership position and why this position is important to the stakeholder organization and healthcare as a whole. Describe the knowledge and skills this position requires, list some of the other the stakeholders this individual would work with and describe the nature of the stakeholder relationships.  Describe the impact a person in this career might have in improving the health care system.

As is the case with all academic papers, a well-organized paper will have a clear introduction to the topic, a body, and a conclusion or summary paragraph. In addition, a well-written paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, or sentence structure mistakes and it will fully conform to all APA formatting standards. 


Select an organization to investigate from the list below: (Medicare)

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