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Michael Brauer and his Brauerizing technique

Research papers needs to be on Michael Brauer and his Brauerizing technique * APA style * 12 font * Single spaced, with no more than 1” on all sides. * No images are to be used. * Any copied words will be considered plagiarizing. It’s easy to google the words and see this. * Deadline, otherwise, we will not be able to schedule you correctly for the next set of classes. * Please deliver in Pages or Word * Please do not zip. * Simply just attach and send through my full sail email * 6 pages (Title and bibliography are not included in the total pages required) per research paper. * Research papers needs to be on Michael Brauer and his Brauerizing technique. Give a little introduction to Michael Brauer and who he is…then explain Michael’s mixing technique and career. Can listen to his work and reference and learn from his mixes. Go into detail on his methods of mixing. * 2 pages (Title and bibliography are not included in the total pages required) So each research paper must have these two pages but do not count as part of your total 2 that are required. To technically this is 4 pages, two out of the 4 is the single spaced 12 font. The other two is the title and bibliography.

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