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MIL 275 Week 5 Final Paper

No single ethical issue has stirred more debate than the use of torture during military operations. The United States, a member of the United Nations and follower of the Geneva conventions, opposed the use of torture by the military under any circumstances for decades. The attacks of 9/11/2001 changed American perspectives in the conduct of war. Since the initiation of the Global War on
Terror, the U.S. has been accused of and admitted to using torture as a technique to gain better intelligence for military operations. Investigations into detainee abuse and torture technique use, such as “waterboarding,” have been documented at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and in detention locations of U.S. allies in the War on Terror.
Students will evaluate the use of torture according to theory, history, and in modern conflict where enemies often do not correlate with national borders.
During your analysis, you must research and evaluate the following:
  •   What are the internationally recognized definitions of torture and what laws pertain to its prohibition? (Make sure to address the Geneva Conventions and any related United Nations rules regarding torture.)
  •   What is the historical basis for banning torture or permitting torture in military operations? From what conflicts did the international community begin drafting laws banning the use of torture?
  •   According to Just War theory and jus in bello, is torture ethically permissible?
  •   Briefly summarize the accusations of torture brought against the United States since the beginning of the Global
    War on Terror.
  •   What are the common arguments for condoning the use of torture in modern military conflict? (Identify at least
  •   What are the common arguments against the use of torture in modern military conflict? (Identify at least two)
  •   What policies has the United States instituted with regard to the use of torture in the past three to five years?
  •   Evaluate the use of torture. In your opinion, is the use of torture justified legally or morally? Use theory and
    evidence from real world events to support your argument.
  •   Does conflict against a non-state actor (such as terrorists) that is not subject to any laws, legal system or
    boundaries, deserve the rights specified by the Geneva Convention? 
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