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MIL 310 Week 4 Assignment Case Study Moving the Fight Abroad

Case Study – Moving the Fight Abroad. World War I presented the United States with its first expeditionary challenge, requiring the American Army to fight as part of an alliance and move large numbers of personnel and resources to Europe. This new era in warfare created significant social and geographic challenges previously unaddressed in American military history.
Write a case study identifying the major changes brought about by World War I. In your analysis, address the following questions.
a. Explain how training and leadership changed between the American Civil War and World War I. 
  1. Discuss how the logistical challenges of World War I reshaped the composition of the U.S. military.
  2. Discuss how World War I affected the role and size of the U.S. Navy.
  3. Explain how a multicultural society such as the U.S. handled a conflict in Europe, from where many U.S.
    citizens emigrated. 
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