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Mini research paper (3 pages) from Intro to phycology class

List of Disorders, as classified by the DSM -5 Mood Disorders:  Major Depressive Disorder (feelings of sadness, guilt, worthlessness, etc.)  Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia) (longer lasting, less severe depression)  Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) (severe PMS symptoms)  Major Depressive Disorder, with Post -Partum onset (major depression after giving birth)  Bipolar Disorder (periods of major depression and mania (extreme happiness, excitability, etc.))  Cyclothymic Disorder (less severe, longer lasting bipolar) Anxiety Disorders :  Generalized Anxiety Disorder (excessive worry about most things most of the time)  Separation Anxiety Disorder (excessive worry/fear about being apart from family members – children)  Selective Mutism (being unable to speak in specific situations due to extreme shyness – children)  Specific Phobia (unreasonable or irrational fear of a particular thing or situation)  Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia) (excessive, irrational fear of humiliation/rejecti on in social situations)  Panic Disorder (anxiety attacks that produce physical symptoms)  Agoraphobia (avoidance of situations in which it would be difficult to escape if you had a panic attack) Obsessive -Compulsive and Related Disorders:  Obsessive -Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (thoughts/impulses that cause extreme anxiety which triggers uncontrollable behaviors in order to reduce the anxiety)  Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (obsessive focus on perceived flaws in appearance that causes anxiety/d epression/social isolation)  Hoarding Disorder (uncontrollable collecting of items/animals and excessive distress over discarding them)  Trichotillomania (excessive, uncontrollable pulling of hair to relieve tension)  Excoriation Disorder (excessive, uncontrollable picking of skin to relieve tension) Trauma/Stressor Related Disorders:  Reactive Attachment Disorder (an infant or child does not form healthy attachments)  Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (disorder of attachment where the child is to o comfortable with strangers because they have no healthy attachment with their caregivers)  Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks , etc. in a person who has experienced or witnessed a traumatic event)  Acute Stress Dis order (a response to stress within the first month after a traumatic event – often leads to PTSD)  Adjustment Disorders (difficulty coping after a stressful event – much less severe than PTSD) Somatic Symptom Disorders:  Somatic Symptom Disorder (extreme an xiety over physical symptoms)  Illness Anxiety Disorder (hypochondriasis – excessive worry or getting an illness or believing you have an illness despite no medical evidence supporting this)  Conversion Disorder (symptoms that seem to suggest a neurological condition (like blindness) even though there is no physical/medical reason for it)  Factitious Disorder (Munchausen’ s) (intentionally producing symptoms in order to play the sick role) Dissociative Disorders:  Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Person alities) (a splitting off of one’s self to protect the mind from severe abuse/trauma)  Dissociative Amnesia (a purely psychological form of memory loss)  Depersonalization/Derealization Disorder (recurring feeling of being detached from one’s body or from one’s environment) Feeding and Eating Disorders:  Pica (typically a childhood disorder that involves eating non -food items)  Rumination Disorder (a childhood disorder where the person brings back up and re -chews partially digested food that has already been swallowed)  Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (extreme picky eating which results in nutritional deficits)  Anorexia Nervosa (extreme food restriction that drastically reduces one’s body weight)  Bulimia Nervosa (cycles of binging and purging due to obsession over food/weight)  Binge -Eating Disorder (uncontrollable, frequent episodes of binging on typically high -calorie foods) Sleep Disorders:  Insomnia Disorder (difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or premature waking)  Hypersomnolence Di sorder (excessive daytime sleepiness, despite getting adequate nighttime sleep)  Narcolepsy (uncontrollable attacks of sleepiness during the day, prompted by strong emotion/excitement)  Sleep Apnea (a serious condition in which breathing stops and starts hun dreds of times during the night)  Parasomnias o Sleepwalking (walking or performing other motor behaviors while asleep) o Sleep Terrors (periods of extreme fear during NREM sleep) o Nightmare Disorder (sleep characterized by frequent, distressing nightmares) o Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder (acting out of one’s dreams during REM sleep) o Restless Legs Syndrome (unpleasant sensations in the legs and an irresistible urge to move them) Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders:  Delusional Diso rder (presence of a false belief; difficulty recognizing reality)  Brief Psychotic Disorder (hallucinations or delusions that are limited to one month in duration)  Schizophreniform Disorder (symptoms of schizophrenia that are limited to 1 -6 months duration)  Schizophrenia (a disorder marked by splitting off from reality; includes hallucinations and delusions)  Schizoaffective Disorder (a mood disorder with psychotic symptoms) Neurodevelopmental Disorders:  Autism Spectrum Disorder (a developmental disorder tha t causes problems in social skills and communication, repetitive behaviors, etc.)  Attention -Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (difficulty controlling impulsive behavior and paying attention)  Tourette’s Disorder (unwanted movements (tics) and vocalizations)  Specific Learning Disorder (a disorder that interferes with an individual’s ability to read, write, spell, think, perform mathematic calculations, etc.)  Language Disorder (a disorder of communications) Disruptive, Impulse -Control, and Conduct Disorders:  Oppositional Defiant Disorder (a childhood disorder of extreme defiant and disobedient behavior)  Intermittent Explosive Disorder (explosive outbursts of violence and anger)  Conduct Disorder (a disorder among children/teens where they violate the normal, acc epted social rules or the rights of others)  Pyromania (uncontrollable desire to set fires)  Kleptomania (uncontrollable impulses to steal things, often of little value) Substance -Related and Addictive Disorders:  Substance -use Disorders (choose from alcohol, cannabis, hallucinogen, inhalant, opioid, stimulant, tobacco, or sedative/hypnotic/anxiolytic ) (addiction)  Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (continuance of hallucinations/delusions experienced in a prior drug experience) Gambling Disor der (gambling addiction) Personality Disorders: (personalities marked by…. )  Paranoid Personality Disorder (… extreme paranoia and suspicion)  Schizoid Personality Disorder (… lack of interest in social relationships)  Schizotypal Personality Disorder (… ec centric behavior, unusual thoughts, impairment in relationships)  Antisocial Personality Disorder (… disregard for the rights of others; manipulation; no remorse)  Borderline Personality Disorder (… extreme impulsivity and instability in mood, relationships , etc.)  Histrionic Personality Disorder (… extreme need to be the center of attention; dramatic and theatric)  Narcissistic Personality Disorder (… exaggerated sense of se lf and overestimation of skills; need to be admired, etc. )  Avoidant Personality Disorder (… intense fear of social rejection, so patient isolates and avoids social situations; very shy and anxious; often depressed because of loneliness)  Dependent Personality Disorder (… difficulty separating in relationships; not picky about who they ’re in relationship with; submissive)  Obsessive -Compulsive Personality Disorder (… extreme perfectionism; obsession with maintaining order, schedules, etc.) Neurocognitive Disorders:  Delirium (sudden confusion and d isruption of mental functioning – normally temporary)  Major/Minor Neurocognitive Disorder due to (choose from: Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, Traumatic Brain Injury, Prion Disease) (what we used to call “dementia ” – impairment of cognitive function) Gender Dysphoria (distress due to feeling as though your biological sex does not match with your gender identity) Paraphilias: recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving …  Voyeuristic Disorder (… spying on un suspecting women undressing, couples having sex, etc.)  Exhibitionistic Disorder (… exposing one ’s genitals to unsuspecting people – aka indecent exposure )  Frotteuristic Disorder (… rubbing up against someone without their consent, typically in a public place, and often to the point of orgasm)  Sexual Masochism Disorder (… one ’s own pain or humiliation)  Sexual Sadism Disorder (… the pain or humiliation of someone else , consensual or not )  Pedophilic Disorder (… prepubescent children)  Fetishi stic Disorder (… inanimate objects or non -genital body parts like underwear, hair, feet, etc.)  Transvestic Disorder (… cross -dressing – not the same as gender dysphoria) Culture -Bound Conditions:  Koro (intense fear of the shrinking of the penis and/or retraction of the genitals into the abdome n until they disappear ; SE Asia, India, China )  Amok (a sudden mass assault on people, often ending in murder/suicide – mostly in Southeast Asia )  Ataque de nervios (intense emotional upset, with uncont rollable screaming, crying, dissociation, and aggression among Latinos )  Ghost sickness (weakness, nightmares, feelings of terror attributed to preoccupation with the deceased – seen in Native Americans )  Susto (illness among Latinos attributed to a frightening event that causes the soul to leave the body – muscle aches/pains, sleep disturbances, lack of motivation, etc.)  Maladi moun (belief in Hatian communities that envy and malice can cause people to send illness (like psychosis or depression) to their victims)  Dhat syndrome (anxiety, fatigue, weakness, depression and other symptoms that are attributed to semen loss, and distress over that loss – typically in India or other South Asian countries )  Taijin kyofusho (anxiety and avoidance of interpersonal situations due to the feeling th at one ’s own appearance or actions are offensive , such as having body odor – typically seen in Japan ) Unusual Psychiatric Syndromes: often seen withi n other disorders, like Schizophrenia or Delusional Disorder *may be difficult to find research on these  Capgras Syndrome (belief that one ’s loved ones have been replaced by imposters)  De Clerambault Syndrome (aka erotomania) (a belief that someone – normally a celebrity or someone of higher social standing – is in love with you)  Othello Syndrome (preoccupation with the belief that your partner is cheating on you despite no evidence of th is)  Folie a deux (shared psychosis)  Cotard Syndrome (belief that you are dead or have lost your internal organs )

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