8. Can you dissolve .35 moles of Potassium Permanganate (KMnO4) into 500 mL of water? _________ Why? / Why
not? (please show work)
9. Can 1750 mL of water dissolve 4.6 moles of Copper Sulfate CuSO4? _________ Why? / Why not? (please show work)
10. What is the solution concentration formed from 3.6 moles NaCl dissolved into 1.3 L of water? (please show work)
11. What is the solution concentration formed from 2.1 moles BaCl2 dissolved into 1.9 L of water? (please show work)
12. How many moles of solute are present in .75 L of a .89 M (molar) solution? (please show work)
13. How many moles of solute are present in 1.4 L of a 1.9 M (molar) solution? (please show work)
14. What volume of water would be required to dissolve .46 moles of solute to produce a .22 M solution? (please show work)
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