MY SQL – Changing Data– 1. Create a new table in Chinook
MY SQL – Changing Data– 1. Create a new table in Chinook called RockTrack that contains all of the tracks in the Rock genre (genreid=1) by executing the following statement:Create table RockTrack as (Select * from track where genreid=1);– After creating the table run the following statement to set the primary key and auto_increment the trackid. If you do not do this, you may have trouble with some of the later queries. ALTER TABLE RockTrack CHANGE trackid trackid INT primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;– 2. Update trackid 2 to set the price at 1.19.– 3. Update all tracks with albumId = 90, to change the composer to Axl Rose– 4. Change trackid 2213 to reflect the following values:– mediatypeid = 3– milliseconds = 234000– bytes = 6500000– unitprice = 1.29– 5. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information– Trackid: 3700– Name: MySQL Melodies– AlbumId: 249– MediaTypeId: 1– GenreId: 1– Composer: your name– Milliseconds: 123456– Bytes: 3333333– UnitPrice: .99– 6. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information. Accept default values for all other fields– Name: Database Blues– MediaTypeId: 3– Millisecond: 200000– UnitPrice: 1.09– 7. Use a single query to add the following 3 tracks to the RockTrack Table– Name Albumid Mediatypeid Genreid Composer Milliseconds Bytes UnitPrice– Brookhaven Boogie 117 1 1 Thom Chesney 234567 6543210 0.99– Homework Hell 249 1 1 Patti Burks 210987 7654321 0.99– Computer Chaos 17 1 1 null 334455 6789123 0.99– 8. Delete Trackid 2700 from the RockTrack table– 9. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table with albumId 249– 10. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table that do not have a composer– What happens when you run this query? Why?– When you are done with this lab, you can get rid of the RockTrack table by running this query:DROP table RockTrack;
“What I learned from 4 Days in my Life”
This paper will be based on the data you collected over the four day period in the last Session (See the uploaded document). What I want you to do is:identify your data collection methodologyidentify how you spent the most of your timeidentify how you spent the least of your timeany frustrations/concerns that could be related to the two items abovewhat you learned about how you prioritize your activiteswhat kinds of solid steps you can take to be more effective using the new knowledge you haveParameters:Length: 1-2 pagesAPA Style formattingAn abstract is not required.The cover page is in addition to the 1-2 pages of written text that are required.
Question please read the instruction carefully, please follow the file ‘good example’ structure
please read the instruction carefully, please follow the file ‘good example’ structure to write, please do not miss any subtitle from ‘good example’, you are required to analyse a region in Spain, Malaysia or Mexico as a tourist destination using the guidelines in the assignment details. This can be found under the heading Assignment Details in the online course materials.the intext references’ footnotes should like this: ‘and the depths for evil spirits (Covarrubias 1974, p. 10).’ which has showen the ( writer’s name, year, and from which certain page)
Question I need a cover page, abstract page, and reference page (correct APA
I need a cover page, abstract page, and reference page (correct APA format) to be included as well as at least 2 content pages. Human Service Workers are often faced with the task of ethical decision-making. When making these decisions, they must be able to adequately support the decision that has been made. As we discussed in class this may require them to refer to their code of ethics, their agency’s policies and procedure manual, and the law. For this assignment, you will be given a case study, and you will need to respond to the questions that follow the case. When responding to the questions, you will need to refer to the class PowerPoints, the code of ethics, and at least one scholarly journal article beyond our course materials to help you make your decision and demonstrate support for your position. Case Study:Allison, a 28 year old, White, first year doctoral student is doing a practicum at a community agency in a predominantly Latino neighborhood in a large urban area. The agency offers comprehensive counseling services including career counseling. One of Allison’s clients is Carmen, a 19 year old Latina. Carmen and her family moved from Puerto Rico when she was 10 years old. Carmen is single, lives with her parents, and attends a nearby community college.Allison has been counseling Carmen for several sessions on career options that Carmen might pursue after she obtains her associate’s degree. In one of these sessions, Allison reviewed with Carmen the results of an interest inventory that she had recently completed that suggested a number of career options Carmen might consider pursuing. After each option was presented, Carmen would reflect on it and then say, “That sounds like it might be a good job, but I need to check with Papi to see what he thinks about it.” After reviewing several options, Allison asked Carmen who Papi was and why his opinion was so important to her. Carmen stated that Papi was her father and that she needed to seek his guidance and permission prior to entering a career. When Allison heard this, it aroused her feminist sensibilities and she responded that Carmen was a woman now and did not need her father, or any man for that matter, giving her permission to live her life and pursue a career.Allison believed Carmen was in a highly dysfunctional enmeshed family situation, and she wanted to explore strategies that would help Carmen break free of her father’s seemingly oppressive grip and allow her to assert her independence a woman. For the next counseling session, Allison brought several books on women’s issues for Carmen to read. She also engaged Carmen in discussion about what it means to be a woman in contemporary American society. Allison’s goal was to get Carmen to begin to assert her independence from her family, in particular her father. Allison attempted to stress to Carmen that the decision to pursue a career was hers alone. She could certainly listen to her father’s advice, but as a modern American woman, Carmen did not need her father’s permission to pursue a career. This session ended with Allison attempting to get Carmen to think of ways that she could move out of her father’s house. Carmen did not return for further counseling after this session.Questions:1. Are Allison’s actions unethical? What are the ethical principles that Allison is struggling to uphold according to the NASW Code of Ethics? 2. Identify some of Allison’s personal values compared to those expressed by Carmen.3. If you were Allison’s supervisor, what steps would you suggest Allison might take to enhance her awareness, knowledge, and skills and become a more culturally responsive counselor?——————————————————————————————————– I will just need 2 pages that answer the three questions above based on the case study as well as a cover, abstract, and reference page. Please use ethically persuasive rhetoric and counter-arguments grounded in ethical theories and concepts. Please also include more relevant ethical theories (i.e., Clinical Pragmatism, Ethics of Caring, etc.), concepts (e.g. Self-Determination and Paternalism) and/or frameworks (i.e., Ethical Principle Screen; Ethical Standards of Human Services Professionals, etc.). I need at least 1 scholarly peer reviewed sources used but feel free to use more. As well as information from the Code of Ethics which I will link below and class power points which are attached. Please use as much information from the power points as possible. Some will be more helpful than others.Ethics:
Question Please rewrite and update as needed (heading in green). I may submit
Please rewrite and update as needed (heading in green). I may submit additional text as well (if needed)
Question English RenaissanceClose Analysis EssayLength: 4-5 pages total (a minimum of 3 full
English RenaissanceClose Analysis EssayLength: 4-5 pages total (a minimum of 3 full pages of analysis, and approximately 2 pages of passage/paraphrase)This essay is a close analysis of a passage from Titus Andronicus Your essay will be composed of two parts:1. an original paraphrase of one passage not to exceed thirty consecutive lines2. a close analysis of that passage, focused by an argumentative thesis statement, which pays VERY close attention to the passage’s language by analyzing its function, conflicts, tone, imagery, word choice, etc. Your essay should relate the passage, and your analysis of it, to the larger issues at stake in the play. Consider why your passage is important. Does it foreshadow future events or explain earlier ones? Does it provide important insights into particular characters? Don’t try to discuss the whole play; just consider how your close analysis of the passage is important to an interpretation of one aspect of the play. Be careful to avoid providing summary of the plot instead of analysis—you need to dig deeper than that, and the layout of this assignment is designed to help you do this. Here are the steps you should take to complete this assignment:1. After your heading information and essay title, type out your passage in its original language, observing the line breaks of the verse and attributing dialogue properly. Don’t forget to include the title of the play and the act, scene, and line numbers.2. Now paraphrase the passage (if your passage is 30 lines, your paraphrase should be close to that too) by putting the sense of each line into a new sentence structure with your own vocabulary. If you don’t know some of the words, or they seem to be used in a way you are unfamiliar with, look them up in the Oxford English Dictionary—in the analysis portion of the assignment you can use what you’ve learned from the OED to further your analysis of the passage. You aren’t interpreting meaning here; you are just restating what is being said in your own words. The process of restating and translating the original will help explain meaning, but it will also distort it; consider what is “lost in translation.”NOTE: The original passage and your paraphrase should be single-spaced and should probably take up no more than two pages; if they do, keep in mind that you still need to write at least three full double-spaced pages of close analysis. 3. For your analysis, you need to go back to the original passage; hopefully your paraphrase has helped you understand it better. Now consider, very carefully, how and where the passage leads you in interpreting one aspect of the play. Begin by re-identifying the place and passage you analyze (“Othello delivers his final speech in act 5, scene 3, lines 338-56”). Then provide a clear thesis statement that makes a specific argument about your passage. The rest of your essay will give evidence for the thesis through a close reading of the passage’s language.Hints:• Select a passage that is verbally rich and contains at least some figurative language; it should also contribute significantly to the play’s action and meaning. • Be sure to cite small excerpts of the text frequently as you analyze. Use quotations to support your claims and do not quote large unanalyzed chunks of text.• Organize your ideas clearly. • Write clearly, concisely, and without grammatical or proofreading errors. • Cite properly.• Consult my handout, “Guidelines for Essays,” for more information on writing essays. You can make use of my office hours at any stage in the process and/or consult one of the writing tutors at the Learning Resource Center. Please note that I do not read and respond to drafts via email—if you cannot make my office hours, I’m happy to schedule a meeting with you at an alternate time.Chosen PassageTitus Andronicus: Act 1, scene 1, lines 104-120Stay, Roman brethren!—Gracious conqueror,Victorious Titus, rue the tears I shed,A mother’s tears in passion for her son.And if thy sons were ever dear to thee,O think my son to be as dear to me.Sufficeth not that we are brought to RomeTo beautify thy triumphs and returnCaptive to thee and to thy Roman yoke,But must my sons be slaughtered in the streetsFor valiant doings in their country’s cause?O, if to fight for king and commonwealWere piety in thine, it is in these![She kneels.]Andronicus, stain not thy tomb with blood.Wilt thou draw near the nature of the gods?Draw near them then in being merciful.Sweet mercy is nobility’s true badge.Thrice-noble Titus, spare my first-born son.References must come only from the book!The book
.Rogue Trading at Societe Generale by Steve Lindo Pages 461-488
Chapter 23 : Read : Control Complacency .Rogue Trading at Societe Generale by Steve Lindo Pages 461-488Then complete the following Page 475 : Exercise Page 487 : Answer the following questions in 200 words each Questions :# 3 -200 words Question #7-200 wordsQuestion # 9-200 wordsQuestion#12-200 wordsQuestion #14-200 wordsQuestionAnswer Implying GuiltyAnswer Implying Not GuiltyDid other traders manipulate the trading system?Did Kerviel show an attitude of manipulating the transaction systems?Did DLP have rules against unauthorized trading?Why did Kerviel make huge bets if he was not benefitting from them?Was there any inconsistencies reported for DLP transaction systems?Did the company have an effective ERM in place?Why did the operations employees not escalate the reports of Kerviel’s unauthorized trading activities?Why did the risk management not discover the fraud but instead the finance department?Were there middle level employees who got promoted to the front desk?Did the company make effective use of market risk management?Did Societe Generale hide some information from presecutors?Did Societe Generale neglect internal controls?Was Societe Generale only focused on growth at all cost?Did Societe Generale admit its wrongdoings for the losses?Was there enough evidence for the prosecutor to sentence Kerviel?Question #3: When Kerviel worked in the middle office, did he show any unusual aptitude for manipulating the transaction systems? Question #7: Was Societe Generale prudent in assigning sole responsibility for market risk oversight to trading management? Question #9: Why did financial reporting catch the fraud, not trading management, operations, or risk management? Question #12: Did Societe Generale omit any information at the trial that might have exonerated Kerviel?Question #14: Did Societe Generale sufficiently admit its responsibility for the losses?
Rhetorical Analysis (Rough Draft) Prompt: Technologies and Futures
Compose a Rhetorical Analysis of Aaron Bastani’s FALC: The Three Disruptions. This should be an argumentative essay with a thesis. You will need to complete two different tasks: (1) briefly summarize the chosen text and (2) explain the author’s use of technology in his argument and theorization for a specific future. Therefore, it is essential that you first identify the author’s argument for the future, and then you analyze how the author uses technology and technological history and theory to support and make sense of their theory and argument for a future. For example, how does Bastani use technology and technological history to argue for FALC?…You should only pick chapter 2(The three distruption) and ignore chapter 3 Guidelines: Your essay should be a minimum of 850 words, double spaced, 12-point font, 1-inch margins,
Question I attached 3 files; Instruction, chart and graph, and example. There is
I attached 3 files; Instruction, chart and graph, and example. There is two part for this assignment. Part 1 is creating charts and tables with data that is already done. Please use the file “Part 1_DATA ANALYSIS_chart_table” for the Part 2. “Instruction_data analysis.pdf” is the instruction. “Comprehensive-Plan_-QueenCity.pdf” is great example of the data analysis report. If the source is used, it should be cited in APA format.
Question 1. Describe the conflict process.Conflict arises when the goals, values, or interests
1. Describe the conflict process.Conflict arises when the goals, values, or interests are different or incompatible, with a person or group who attempts to achieve their objective, (2019, June 16). The conflict process deals with five steps that ease disagreement, problems, or fighting within organizations. Those stages are:potential opposition or incompatibilitycognition and personalizationintentionsbehaviorcomes2. What are two of the most common conflict-handling styles?3. Think of a recent conflict situation at work. What was the cause, and how did you react to it? How was the conflict resolved?There is always a counselor who avoids working on groups projects. We call meetings, fundraisers, classroom visitation, she shows up late or leave the early…EVERYTIME! Anything that does not include the our supervisor she will avoid work.I encourage her to participate and this helps sometimes, but she finds an excuse to leave. When it was my turn to organized a task, I would not give her first preference of scheduling classroom visits and this seem to get her motivated to work now that I indicated that she is not dependable and she will get left with the worst schedule which is usually at the end of the day.
Chronic disease Management in the society. Does inequality contribute to the high rate of deaths?
This is a Research Proposal the dissertation will be written later it must be concerned with social welfare issues: this gives you a very broad range of the themes to choose from. The Research Proposal is 500 words on the above topic . It has to be Academic Writing.
please just find some common objects such as coffee cup something just
please just find some common objects such as coffee cup something just like that
I need someone who has the Turnitin Plagiarism checker to run a
I need someone who has the Turnitin Plagiarism checker to run a report through it and generate a plagiarism report. I do NOT need the report to be changed. I just want the Turnitin report to see how much plagiarism is in it. I will attach the report ( just one ) after someone gets the question.If you don’t have turnitin plagiarism checker then don’t bid on this quesiton.
Resume / Cover letter AssignmentResume (100 points)Create and submit a Resume with
Resume / Cover letter AssignmentResume (100 points)Create and submit a Resume with a Cover Letter.Use your Text and “Resume Template” provided by Microsoft Word and other resources. Set up a “Resume” file on your computer as you want to tailor your template resume to employment opportunities. Then refer to the Personal Data worksheet that you created. Use your personal information to complete the Resume. Be complete, realistic, and HONEST on your resume.The following section headings are included on the Resume Templates; you must complete all sections that apply to you. If you do not have any information to put in a section, then delete that section. You never want to have an empty section on your resume…just leave it out.Sections:• Objective• Education• Skills• Work Experience• Volunteer Experience• Personal• References – Available Upon RequestWhen you have completed your resume make sure you proofread it and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.Cover Letter (100)1. Make a “Job Worksheet” by deconstruction a job description and plug in your skills2. Open a blank Microsoft Word document and save in your files as “Cover Letter.”3. Type your cover letter including the following information:• Current Date• Return address (your address)• Letter address (who you are sending letter to)• Salutation / Greeting with punctuation• Body of the Letter:1. First Paragraph (state the job you are applying for, how you learned about the job, and how interested you are in the position)2. Second Paragraph (description of education, work experience, skills, etc.)3. Third Paragraph (closing remarks, contact information, restate interest in job)• Complimentary Closing (Sincerely Yours,)• Signature block (sign your name and type your name right below)• Use Block style (all paragraphs and text aligned left, no indenting)• Spacing Requirements:• 4 spaces after the date• 2 spaces after the return address• 2 spaces after the letter address• 2 spaces after the salutation / greeting• 1 space between each paragraph• 2 spaces after third paragraph• 4 spaces after Sincerely Yours• Print the cover letter, sign your name in the 4 spaces provided for the signature block.When you have completed the Cover Letter make sure you proofread and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.The JobYou will be applying for a College Intern Administrative Intern with UCSD. Deconstruct and use following job description as a reference for your “Cover Letter” and “Resume”.College Intern Administrative InternRequisition ID: 2021Location(s): University of California San Diego, United States, California, La JollaBusiness Sector: Education School of Business AdministrationUS Citizenship Required for this Position: Yes or proof legal residenceRelocation Assistance: Relocation assistance will be availableDescriptionPerforms variety of status activities in support of program areas such as proposals, strategy, schedule and cost execution for the program manager. Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources. Compiles, reviews and analyzes data. Generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations for Grossmont Community College District. Provides data and information to others on functional unit processes and procedures.QualificationsBasic Qualifications: Currently pursuing AA/BS degree from an accredited university in Business or related field. Summer 2019 Internship, full time, 10 weeks. Must be full time student into Fall 2019.Preferred Qualifications: Business management college coursework and interest in exposure to management of cost and schedule execution, team leadership, and government acquisitions.
Question please include tables and graphs Please read the instruction carefully since it’s
please include tables and graphs Please read the instruction carefully since it’s pretty complicated The paper does not have to be fully worded but include also graphs and tables Thank you
a C# program that does what the lab asks for. Requirements and needed files will be attached.
Please make sure that the output of the program looks exactly like the picture included.
MY SQL – Changing Data– 1. Create a new table in Chinook
MY SQL – Changing Data– 1. Create a new table in Chinook called RockTrack that contains all of the tracks in the Rock genre (genreid=1) by executing the following statement:Create table RockTrack as (Select * from track where genreid=1);– After creating the table run the following statement to set the primary key and auto_increment the trackid. If you do not do this, you may have trouble with some of the later queries. ALTER TABLE RockTrack CHANGE trackid trackid INT primary key NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT;– 2. Update trackid 2 to set the price at 1.19.– 3. Update all tracks with albumId = 90, to change the composer to Axl Rose– 4. Change trackid 2213 to reflect the following values:– mediatypeid = 3– milliseconds = 234000– bytes = 6500000– unitprice = 1.29– 5. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information– Trackid: 3700– Name: MySQL Melodies– AlbumId: 249– MediaTypeId: 1– GenreId: 1– Composer: your name– Milliseconds: 123456– Bytes: 3333333– UnitPrice: .99– 6. Add a record to the RockTrack table with the following information. Accept default values for all other fields– Name: Database Blues– MediaTypeId: 3– Millisecond: 200000– UnitPrice: 1.09– 7. Use a single query to add the following 3 tracks to the RockTrack Table– Name Albumid Mediatypeid Genreid Composer Milliseconds Bytes UnitPrice– Brookhaven Boogie 117 1 1 Thom Chesney 234567 6543210 0.99– Homework Hell 249 1 1 Patti Burks 210987 7654321 0.99– Computer Chaos 17 1 1 null 334455 6789123 0.99– 8. Delete Trackid 2700 from the RockTrack table– 9. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table with albumId 249– 10. Delete all the tracks in the RockTrack table that do not have a composer– What happens when you run this query? Why?– When you are done with this lab, you can get rid of the RockTrack table by running this query:DROP table RockTrack;
Resume / Cover letter AssignmentResume (100 points)Create and submit a Resume with
Resume / Cover letter AssignmentResume (100 points)Create and submit a Resume with a Cover Letter.Use your Text and “Resume Template” provided by Microsoft Word and other resources. Set up a “Resume” file on your computer as you want to tailor your template resume to employment opportunities. Then refer to the Personal Data worksheet that you created. Use your personal information to complete the Resume. Be complete, realistic, and HONEST on your resume.The following section headings are included on the Resume Templates; you must complete all sections that apply to you. If you do not have any information to put in a section, then delete that section. You never want to have an empty section on your resume…just leave it out.Sections:• Objective• Education• Skills• Work Experience• Volunteer Experience• Personal• References – Available Upon RequestWhen you have completed your resume make sure you proofread it and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.Cover Letter (100)1. Make a “Job Worksheet” by deconstruction a job description and plug in your skills2. Open a blank Microsoft Word document and save in your files as “Cover Letter.”3. Type your cover letter including the following information:• Current Date• Return address (your address)• Letter address (who you are sending letter to)• Salutation / Greeting with punctuation• Body of the Letter:1. First Paragraph (state the job you are applying for, how you learned about the job, and how interested you are in the position)2. Second Paragraph (description of education, work experience, skills, etc.)3. Third Paragraph (closing remarks, contact information, restate interest in job)• Complimentary Closing (Sincerely Yours,)• Signature block (sign your name and type your name right below)• Use Block style (all paragraphs and text aligned left, no indenting)• Spacing Requirements:• 4 spaces after the date• 2 spaces after the return address• 2 spaces after the letter address• 2 spaces after the salutation / greeting• 1 space between each paragraph• 2 spaces after third paragraph• 4 spaces after Sincerely Yours• Print the cover letter, sign your name in the 4 spaces provided for the signature block.When you have completed the Cover Letter make sure you proofread and make all necessary corrections. Submit your Resume with Cover Letter to CANVAS Resume / Cover Letter Assignment Module as a PDF.The JobYou will be applying for a College Intern Administrative Intern with UCSD. Deconstruct and use following job description as a reference for your “Cover Letter” and “Resume”.College Intern Administrative InternRequisition ID: 2021Location(s): University of California San Diego, United States, California, La JollaBusiness Sector: Education School of Business AdministrationUS Citizenship Required for this Position: Yes or proof legal residenceRelocation Assistance: Relocation assistance will be availableDescriptionPerforms variety of status activities in support of program areas such as proposals, strategy, schedule and cost execution for the program manager. Gathers, collects, records, tracks and verifies data and information from multiple sources. Compiles, reviews and analyzes data. Generate reports, statistics, timelines, tables, graphs, correspondence and presentations for Grossmont Community College District. Provides data and information to others on functional unit processes and procedures.QualificationsBasic Qualifications: Currently pursuing AA/BS degree from an accredited university in Business or related field. Summer 2019 Internship, full time, 10 weeks. Must be full time student into Fall 2019.Preferred Qualifications: Business management college coursework and interest in exposure to management of cost and schedule execution, team leadership, and government acquisitions.
I need someone who has the Turnitin Plagiarism checker to run a
I need someone who has the Turnitin Plagiarism checker to run a report through it and generate a plagiarism report. I do NOT need the report to be changed. I just want the Turnitin report to see how much plagiarism is in it. I will attach the report ( just one ) after someone gets the question.If you don’t have turnitin plagiarism checker then don’t bid on this quesiton.
Question I need an Outline with this essay and and I also need
I need an Outline with this essay and and I also need a thesis statement written separately. When the essay is completed I will also need a works cited page.I have included all reading material, instructions and a photo of the book as attachments. Thank you for your help and your time doing this assignment.I h
Question I attached the assigments and also the pages I did in class
I attached the assigments and also the pages I did in class as a practical.
The post MY SQL – Changing Data– 1. Create a new table in Chinook appeared first on Smashing Essays.
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