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 I need to short mythology essays done below are the guidelines and topics.

1) Extra

credit essay 1: What was your favorite unit/myth so far? Why? (2 points)

Please write a 200-word essay. You can choose one myth or a unit (Near Eastern, American, African, Hindu).

Your essays should explain clearly which unit is your favorite unit/myth and why. Answers significantly shorter than 200-words won’t get full points.

Below is the myth I would like to use for this essay:

“Enuma Elish”

2) Extra credit essay 2: What did you learn in this class? (2 points)

Please write a 200-word essay about the things you learned in this class. Reflect on the whole semester and think about some things that you didn’t know about but you learned in the Myths and Mythologies course.

We learned about myths based on (Near Eastern, American, African, Hindu) cultures.

The following are motifs that we seen in the myths this semester.

Axis mundi

Power of language

Power struggles among deities, esp. between generations of deities and siblings

Incest among deities

Toothed vagina

Various numbers, esp. the number 4

Phallus and other symbols of fertility/representations of sexual conception

A flood

Specific types of relationships between humans and the Gods

God leaves earth because of humans

God lives among humans

God is challenged by humans

Trickster/culture hero

Earth diver



Theft of light or water


Body parts of the deity transformed into some geographical feature

Non-sexual conception

Ordering of the universe/world/specific geographical area by specific means



Language as a means of ordering

Resolution of conflict by compromise and/or trickery

Imperfect deity

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