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– NATIONALISM. In Addresses to the German Nation , Johann GottliebDescriptionSol

– NATIONALISM. In Addresses to the German Nation , Johann GottliebDescriptionSolution downloadThe QuestionNATIONALISM. In Addresses to the German Nation, Johann Gottlieb Fichte offered his listeners/readers a new conception of political legitimacy and drew an implicit contrast between this new conception and the conception we find in social contract theory.Give a simple statement of Fichte?s new conception of political legitimacy.Explain the basis for that new conception.List the aspects of social contract theory that Fichte rejects.Describe the method(s) by which Fichte seeks to persuade his listeners/readers.In his statement on political legitimacy, Fichete?s argued that self-consciousness was afundamental and clear step that had been taken in in modern philosophy. The basis for the…

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