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– NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER ONLY PLEASE Please read the benefits ofDescriptionSolut

– NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER ONLY PLEASE Please read the benefits ofDescriptionSolution downloadThe QuestionNATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER ONLY PLEASEPlease read the benefits of promoting cooperation beginning on page 43. Which of the advantages listed are most advantageous to our judicial system as a whole? Which is most advantageous to the parties in dispute?”THE BENEFITS OF PROMOTING COOPERATIONThe preceding discussion suggests a number of advantages to resolving interpersonal conflict cooperatively, if possible. We have seen previously in this chapter (?How Conflict Escalation Leads to Perceptual Error?) how cooperation can avoid some of the perceptual biases and distortions that occur when a conflict becomes competitive and starts to escalate, and we have seen how voluntary resolution of a conflict promotes psychological ownership of its outcome, and, hence durability of the outcome. Mutual disputant cooperation serves both of these ends. But cooperation confers additional advantages to effective resolution, according to Deutsch (1973): efficiency, optimality, and relationship preservation.?(Coltri 43-44)Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2nd Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file.”Use the content file attached and include some of these terms within the answer.Answer should be 1 page in length.Psychological ownership the extent to which a participant in a dispute resolutionprocess and outcome feels that the process and/or outcome were freely chosen byhim or her and is what he or she would have wanted.(Coltri 41)Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2ndEdition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file.Narrative mediation a form of highly facilitative mediation in which the goal isto promote peacemaking through encouraging the participants to tell theirversions of the conflictual situation, subsequently supporting the disputants inrecasting elements of these versions into less polarized narratives.(Coltri 38)Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2ndEdition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file.Transformative mediation a form of highly facilitative mediation in which thegoals are to empower each disputant and encourage each disputant to recognizeand acknowledge the point of view of the other(Coltri 38)Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2ndEdition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file.Reactive devaluation the devaluing of a choice, option, or recommendationmerely because it is seen to be favored by an opposing party in an escalatedconflict.(Coltri 44)Coltri, Laurie S. Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Conflict Diagnosis Approach, 2ndEdition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 05/2009. VitalBook file.EFFICIENCYFirst, cooperation is more efficient than competition. Because disputants aremotivated to help one another, they direct more effort to resolving the conflict. Incontrast, in a competition, disputants are motivated to keep one another fromreaching their goals, so they spend additional time and resources trying to impedeand undermine one another. The motivation to do harm is exacerbated by theenmity each disputant comes to feel toward the other. Thus, in a competition, timeand resources otherwise available to resolve the conflict are diverted to the purposeof undermining the other disputant. There is also greater duplication of effort,resulting from the refusal of each disputant to trust the statements and actions of theother. Instead of coordinating their efforts, time and money are spent attacking thefindings of the other disputant and his or her experts. Because of the mistrust, eachdisputant has a

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