Need a step-by-step guide on how to create pivot charts along with the answers to this problem: (As for the file I can’t upload it here, but this problem is already online. I just can’t seem to find a step-by-step solution)
Need a step-by-step guide on how to create pivot charts along with
the answers to this problem: (As for the file I can’t upload it here, but this problem is already online. I just can’t seem to find a step-by-step solution)
The file FDICBankFailures contains data on failures of federally insured banks between 2000 and 2012. Make a PivotTable in Excel to answer the following questions. The PivotTable should group the closing dates of the banks into yearly bins and display the counts of bank closures each year in columns of Excel. Row labels should include the bank locations and allow for grouping the locations into states or viewing by city. You should also sort the PivotTable so that the states with the greatest number of total bank failures between 2000 and 2012 appear at the top of the PivotTable.
a. Which state had the greatest number of federally insured bank closings between 2000 and 2012?
b. How many bank closings occurred in the state of Nevada (NV) in 2010? In what cities did these bank closings occur?
c. Use the PivotTAble’s filter capacity to view only bank closings in California (CA), florida (FL), Texas (TX), and New York (NY) for the years 2009 through 2012. What is the total number of bank closings in these states between 2009 and 2012?
d. Using the filtered PivotTable from part c, what city in Florida had the greatest number of bank closings between 2009 and 2012? How many bank closings occurred in this city?
e. Make a PivotChart to display a column chart that shows the total number of bank closings in each year 2000 through 2012 in the state of Florida. Adjust the formatting of this column chart so that it best conveys the data. What does this column chart suggest about bank closings between 2000 and 2012 in Florida? Discuss. Hint. You may have to switch the row and column labels in the PivotChart to get the best presentation for your PivotChart.
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