Need Executive Summary and Letter Doc completed, see subject and rubic for description.
Need Executive Summary and Letter Doc completed, see subject and rubic for description.
ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentComments:ENGL216 Week 6 Course ProjectExecuTve Summary and ±ransmi²al Le²erPointspossiblePoints Earned/AddiTonal CommentsExecuTve Summary:-Summary is one page or less.- Technical jargon is avoided.- Major points, conclusion, and recommenda±on are included.- Main document is not referred to.- Paragraph format is used.25±ransmi²al Le²er:- It includes the major point from the document.- It acknowledges any help received (if applicable).- It follows proper le²er conven±ons.10WriTng Style and Mechanics:The tone is appropriate for the audience and the purpose.Sentences are complete, clear, concise, well constructed, andvaried. Rules of grammar, usage, spelling, and punctua±on arefollowed.5±otal40PointsEarned/40

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