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Need help on DBM 449 devry Ilab 5 assignment

Need help on DBM 449 devry Ilab 5 assignment. Its using MySQL, if you can use either the prompt line command or

even Workbench to complete this ilab.

Attached is the report and instructions for the Ilab.  ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentLaboratory ProceduresDeVry UniversityCollege of Engineering and Information SciencesI.OBJECTIVES1.Understand and become familiar with fundamentals of DBMS security monitoring, auditing,logging, alerting, and reporting.2.Install and configure a MySQL database.3.Install and configure an Audit and Security module for MySQL database.4.Generate logged events, and inspect contents of an Audit Log.II.PARTS LIST1.EDUPE-VT Omnymbus Virtual Machine Environment ( (, Part A—Installing MySQLIn order to complete this lab, you will require full control over a LINUX host operating systeminto which you will install and configure the MySQL database engine. You may achieve thisthrough the DeVry iLab environment (, or by installing MySQLonto your own LINUX-based computer, or even into a LINUX Virtual Machine (VM) running ina VM environment on your own computer, such as VMWARE Player, or Sun’s Virtual Box.Fullinstructions for installing and configuring your own VM environment are beyond the scope ofthis lab, so unless you have prior experience with VM’s, using the DeVry iLab or installing ontoyour own LINUX-based computer is recommended.Preliminary Configuration (DeVry iLab environment only)1.Log into the DeVry Omnymbus EDUPE-VT environment, a single VM, using Template #6: VMX-LINUX-DESKTOP-UBUNTU. While youmight presume that you should choose SERVER instead of DESKTOP, the DESKTOPVM image provides many tools running from the Graphical User Interface (GUI), whichyou may find convenient, especially if your experience in LINUX Operating Systemenvironments is limited.3.Complete all steps required by Omnymbus to complete the configuration of your LINUXhost, such as changing the root password and host name. Make a note of the IP addressassigned to your new VM, for future use when managing or using your VM instance.MySQL Database Installation (all environments)4.Install the current release (general, not beta) of MySQL. If you are using UBUNTULINUX, you may do this from the UBUNTU SOFTWARE CENTER, found under

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View the AnswerAPPLICATIONS on the desktop. For other versions of LINUX, research availablemethods for downloading and installing MySQL appropriate to your Operating System.These might include APT-GET, RedHat Package Manager (RPM), YUM, and so on.5.Configure and test that your MySQL service. Be sure that the services have started, andthat you are able to connect to MySQL. This may be done in a terminal session using acommand line statement, such as:mysql –host=localhost –user=myname–password mydb.Alternatively, you may choose to download and install a GUI SQLadministration tool, such as TORA or MySQL Workbench. The command line is installedby default; the GUI tools are optional.6.Take a screenshot of your successful connection to your MySQL database, and paste thisinto your lab report.7.We will need a database later, in order to test the audit logging of events we choose tomonitor. Just about any trivial database, with a little bit of data in it will suffice. You mayuse SQL scripts from previous labs, or use the Internet to search for and obtain a copy ofthe scripts to create and populate the SAKILA sample database. Choose whatever methodand schema you wish, and run the scripts to create and populate some tables. Test yourdata model briefly by issuing a SELECT * from one of the tables. Paste a screen shotshowing the successful SELECT and the first five or six rows of the result into your labreport.McAfee Audit Module Download and Installation (all environments)8.CHECKPOINT QUESTION:In order to proceed with the installation of the McAfeeAudit Plugin for MySQL, you will need to gather some additional information. Thesecheckpoint questions will help you to clarify this task: What version of LINUX are yourunning, and how do you determine this? Are you running a 32-bit or 64-bit version ofthe Operating system, and how do you determine this? How can you obtain/Where canyou download an appropriate version of the McAfee Audit Plugin for your use? Oncedownloaded, how do you unpack the package to access the plugin components? What isthe path of the plugin directory into which you must copy the unpacked/unzipped plugin?Record your answers to these questions, and paste them into your lab report. Download,unpack, and copy all files where they belong. (Hint: If you are unable to find a pre-builtinstallation options through your desktop controls, such as Ubuntu Software Center, youcan also download the package using a browser, or by using the wget command lineinterface statement. This latter statement would begin similar to:sudo wget…)9.CHECKPOINT QUESTION:The installation of the plugin is done from within theMySQL console. What is the command you must issue to install the plugin? Record youranswer in your lab report.10. Issue the MySQL console command to install the plugin.11. From the MySQL console, issue the command:show plugins;. Take a screenshotshowing your successful results, and paste it into your lab report.Configuring the McAfee Audit Module (all environments)

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