Need help with Excel and Statistics. I have the documents attached with all the directions.
Need help with Excel and Statistics. I have the documents attached with all the directions. If you are able to do
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ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentScenario/SummaryHopefully you will find this week’s iLab activity fun and useful. We’ll be exploring theworld of statistics from a business perspective this week, allowing you to practice yourskills with descriptive statistics, formatting, graphs, and regression analysis.As discussed in the lesson, the value of statistics lies in the ability to analyze data moreeffectively for the purpose of improving decision making. You might have heard theexpression that “statistics never lie, and only liars use statistics”. There is an obvioustruth in this statement, in that, depending on the questions being asked and the datacollected, the statistics can skew reality.For example, it is true that as ice cream sales increase, accidents at swimming poolsincrease. Does this mean that the more ice cream that is sold, the more accidents itcauses (correlation/causation)? Of course not, but the data, if not interpreted correctly,could lead to false conclusions. It just so happens that both are correlated to a rise intemperature in the summertime. The hotter it is outside, the more kids flock to swimmingpools, leading to more accidents, and the more ice cream is sold. So you see, althoughstatistics are vital in the world of decision making, you have to be wise, and ask the rightquestions.You will turn in one Excel workbook for this iLab. The workbook will consist of nineseparate worksheets, including the Documentation sheet.File naming convention: If your name is Jane Doe, then your file should be named verysimilar to: Doe_J_Week7_iLab.xlsx.STEP 1: Getting Started—Worksheet TemplatePlease download this week’s iLab file:Week7_iLab_StatisticsYour first step should be to save and rename this file according to the namingconvention above.It is recommended, as you work on this iLab, that you save your work often.STEP 2: Create a Documentation PageThis will be a similar documentation page that you have used for all prior iLabs. Pleaserefer to instructions in iLab 1 for detailed instructions.Be sure to place the documentation sheet as your first sheet.STEP 3: Descriptive Statistics
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View the AnswerTheData_1971_2000worksheet is already loaded with data for you, which is the actualtemperatures for all of the U.S. states between 1971 and 2001. As you can see, thedata already contains theaveragetemperature for each state, in both Fahrenheit andCelsius, along with the ranking of the states, in terms of warmest average temperature(#1) to the lowest.1.Freeze the top row, so that the column headers are visible as you scroll through thedata.2.At the bottom of the page, you are asked to provide the Count, Average, Median, Mode,Min, and Max for each of the states for each of the data columns. The shaded area at the end ofthe states is where these descriptive statistics should be entered.3.To the right of the data, starting at approximately Texas (row 44), use the Data Analysisfeature to display the summary descriptive statistics for each temperature and the rank. Be sureto shade and format your descriptive statistics (similar to the shading in Step #2 above) so as tobe able to read everything well.As you read your results, you might note some interesting results. First and foremost,note how the statistics associated with the rankings are virtually worthless, as theyreally don’t provide any insight to the data itself. This is a little of what I meant abovewhen I talked about some statistics are junk, and you have to be careful in how you askyour questions and interrupt the results.STEP 4: Bar Chart and Summary StatisticsUsing theBarChartworksheet, calculate the summary statistics shown at the bottom ofthe data, for each of Bottles, Cans, and Plastic.Create a bar chart to the right of the data, with a title of Marketing Campaign Results.You can choose the colors that you want for each city’s results, but make sure that youshow the Y-axis labels to the right and the X-axis labels on the bottom, along with theword City as their label.STEP 5: Line ChartUsing theLineChart1worksheet, calculate the average income for the ages listed.Then create a line chart, with a title of Average Income by Age, with appropriate labelson the X and Y axis.Your chart should be placed to the right of your data, on the same sheet.STEP 6: Average and Median, With Line ChartThis step is very similar to the previous worksheet, except that there is an additionalsummary statistic and you are working with multiple variables.
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