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format) on same. ATTACHMENT PREVIEW Download attachmentWeek 2: AssignmentIn each week the learning assignment is designed to demonstrate your competence with theTerminal Course Objec±ves of the course. Prior to working on the assignment, you should readthrough the week’s chapters and lesson.Clearly iden±fy your work with your name, the date, the week number and the assignmentname, and upload work to the Dropbox.The ques±ons are designed to probe the higher levels of thinking and learning such asanalyzing, evalua±ng and crea±ng, and so there oFen are no “correct” answers. Instead offocusing and who wins or loses the case, you should analyze, evaluate and create alterna±vesolu±ons to the various issues presented while arguing and deba±ng the connec±ons betweenbusiness, law, poli±cs and ethics.Terminal Course Objec±ve: GCase Study: Interna±onal and World Trade Law – Counterfei±ngWrite a 1-2 page reFec±ve paper (double spaced) on the following ques±ons while discussingthe connec±ons between business, law, poli±cs and ethics.One:There has been a movement in the last decade encouraging people to “buy American.”Discuss the legal and ethical issues related to boyco²ng goods from other countries. What arethe prac±cal business implica±ons of such a move?Two:The World Trade Organiza±on, or WTO, is the largest and most in³uen±al of the tradeorganiza±ons. China and other heavy counterfei±ng na±ons are part of this group. What couldWTO-par±cipa±ng na±ons do to address the problems of counterfei±ng? What should they do?Three:The United Na±ons Security Council, the main decision-making body at the UN, iscomprised of ´ve regular members: China, µrance, the Russian µedera±on, the United Kingdomand the United States. Ten more members are elected from the General Assembly. Given themake-up of the commi¶ee, what type of ac±on might the UN take with regard to thecounterfei±ng issue?Submit your assignment to the Dropbox.

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