Nursing Role and Scome DQ reply
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Veronica Reverol DQ post.
Chapter 10: Evidence-Based Professional Nursing Practice
As Masters previously describes in her textbook role development in professional nursing practice, “Evidence-based practice is a framework used by nurses and other healthcare professionals to deliver optimal health care through the integration of best current evidence, clinical expertise, and patient/family values” (QSEN, 2015). Therefore, evidence-based practice is crucial to apply in the nursing profession. Nurses should be knowledgeable to perform in the field as expected.
I believe that the more we improve our knowledge as professionals, the more we may help our patient reach optimal health. Within, proper training or educating ourselves through clinical research. Promoting evidence-based practice is obtained by utilizing different strategies within deferent organizations.
It is known to be an important tool for nurses to enhance patient care. For example, proper hand washing technique was initially researched, processed, and evaluated to later become an established protocol in the healthcare field. Decades ago, there was no evidence shown of the time needed to be taken to wash hands properly and kill bacteria.
Nurses should research electronic resources available. However, some of the common site pages would be National library of medicine, Cochrane Library, or National Guideline Clearinghouse. These are webpages provide the most recent evidence for practice within guidelines.
Furthermore, the electronic index is another option to narrow down a topic and look for more specifics. One of the most common is the Cumulative Index to Nursing. The best part of these resources is that its free of charge.
Nurses need constant updates on nursing care guidelines or any new updates. Changes occur and as a nurse I acknowledge that changes that a while to take in place in the healthcare field because of the process to followed before being official. Therefore, policies and procedures are based on evidence-base research.
Strategies implemented for evidenced-based practice in nursing practice may vary. For instance, the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation involves five steps. These steps are meant to later evaluate the change with the practice. On the other hand, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Model consists of three stages involving dissemination. In this model, the stages of knowledge transfer are viewed from the perspective of the researcher or the creator of new knowledge and begin with decisions about which research findings ought to be disseminated (Titler, 2008).
The strategies may be different, but the goal is the same. Each model presents differently now the nurse must choose which model best suits the organization representing. Everyone’s needs are distinct, its our responsibility to identify that need and choose the correct change needed for the best outcome.
Conclusively, as described by Masters, “The evidence-based practice process enhances practice by encouraging reflection about what we know; it is applicable to virtually every area of nursing practice including patient assessment, diagnosis of the patient problems, planning, patient care interventions, and evaluation of patient responses” (Masters, 2017). In addition, evidence-based practice should not only be implemented in every area of the nursing process but also applied in any area of field. The work setting doesn’t necessarily need to be a hospital.
Masters, K. (2017). Evidence-Based Practice: What is it? In K. Masters, Role Development in Professional Nursing Practice (p. 257). Burlington, MA.
QSEN. (2015). Evidence-based practice. Retrieved from Quality and Safety Education for Nurses:
Titler, M. (2008). The evidence for evidence-based practice implementation. In R. Hughes, Patient safety and quality: An evidence-based handbook for nurses (pp. 1-49). Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
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