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ollowing rules/expectations (choose all that apply): A. The sexual relationship was designed to continue throughout the participants’ lives B. The eromenos needed to be devoted to social-civic education provided C. The eraste would promote physical education and civic duty D. There was an educational element E. The eraste was never to exploit the eromenos. The eromenos needed to be devoted to social-civic education provided C. The eraste would promote physical education and civic duty D. There was an educational element E. The eraste was never to exploit the eromenos

ollowing rules/expectations (choose all that apply):
A. The sexual relationship was designed to

continue throughout the participants’ lives

B. The eromenos needed to be devoted to social-civic education provided

C. The eraste would promote physical education and civic duty

D. There was an educational element

E. The eraste was never to exploit the eromenos

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